(1D) He Takes Care Of You After You Break Your Arm

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He Takes Care Of You After You Break Your Arm

Louis: "Okay babe, here is your medicine." He says handing it to you along with a cup of water. You sit up and pop the pills into your mouth, grabbing the cup with your good arm. "Thanks." You mumble before laying back into the couch. "You're welcome." He says softly.

Niall: "Lift that cast up!" He says. You do as he says and he places a pillow beneath your arm gently. "Okay, you need to keep it elevated." He says before sitting beside you. "You're too good to me." You mumble, leaning into his side. "Nah, I just do what I need to to make you feel better." He grins.

Liam: "It itches!" You groan, trying to dig your way into your cast to reach the one spot that burned because it itched so bad. "Alright, calm down. I'll get that spray." He says getting up and retrieving the spray that the doctor gave you. He fixed the nozzle and positioned it in your cast and spray it down, making you sigh in relief. "Thank you." He nods and sits it down. "Glad I can help."

Zayn: You decided that you wanted a white cast and you were going to let Zayn decorate it for you. After you got home from the hospital, you both sat down and he got out his colored sharpies and began drawing a masterpiece. He finished it a few hours later and smiled proudly before taking a picture. You thanked him with a kiss and posted the picture on Twitter.

Harry: You dropped your spoon into the bowl for the fourth time in a row, making you sigh. He laughed softly and leaned over, picking it up once again. He the scooped up a spoonful and slipped it into your mouth. "Remind me to make something that you can eat easily with that cast." He says softly as you finish up your dinner.

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