Michael Imagine

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Michael Imagine: You meet him and he falls for you

You slowly move up from the coffee tabled, unable to handle it. The Michael Clifford had sent you a direct message on twitter and couldn’t wait to meet you! You wanted to jump and down screaming for joy but you knew it was inappropriate behaviour for the café. You go home that night, and called your bestie, Y/B/N.

"Y/B/N! Do you wanna meet 5sos?" You asked, with a big smile.

"Why wouldn’t I?" She squealed through the phone.

"Well you’re going to tomorrow." You let out happily.


In no time flat she was there, in her 5sos shirt fangirling more than ever. You fangirled together. Later on you both had a small dinner and jumped into your sleeping bags. You chatted on about 5sos before both falling asleep. You woke up to a loud alarm. Y/B/N did too. You both screamed in excitement as you got up to get ready. After ages of doing your hair, makeup and everything else you left for the city. The line wasn’t so long as you had arrived early, wanting to spend the most time with 5sos as you could. Eventually you made it backstage and saw Luke. Y/B/N looked like she was going to die.

"Are you ok?" Asked a familiar voice.

It was Calum!

"Calum! How are you?" You asked, trying to be cool.

"Not bad, is your friend ok though?" You replied.

"She’ll be fine." You laughed as she opened her eyes and smiled.

Calum gave you a hug.

"What are your names?" He asked politely.

"I’m Y/N and this is Y/B/N." You smiled.

You saw Michael and began to feel week.

"You must be, Y/N @Y/T/N. He grinned giving you a hug. I’m so glad you’re hear!"

"I’m glad I’m here too." You chuckled.

The night was fabulous, spent backstage with 5sos, you dream came true. Soon Y/B/N came running over.

"Y/N! She whispered fiercely. Michael’s got it bad for you!

"What?" I whispered back.

"Luke and Calum told me after he told them. That’s why he wanted to meet you."

You felt amazed. You stomach was filled with butterflies and you soon saw him. It was the end of this night.

"So I guess this is goodbye." You sighed, hugging Michael.

"Oh no it isn’t." He said, trying to be sassy.

You laughed at his attempt. Michael handed you his number and you wrote yours on his arm.

"Catch up for coffee sometime? He asked with puppy dog eyes. Please?"

"Oh course!" You laughed.

You gave him and the other guys one last time before heading home. It was the best night ever…. 

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