(1D) He's Not Exactly Human AU (5/5)

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 He’s Not Exactly Human AU (5/5)


Finding Out

Niall (Were-Wolf) - There’s something going on with your boyfriend but you’re not sure what it was. He’s acting differently than normal; the carefree boy wasn’t there anymore. Instead was this quiet shell. There are times where you catch glimpse of the old him. Things are different but you refuse to let this go, your relationship was worth saving. The moment he asked you to come over to talk about it, you rushed saying yes. As he sat in front of you his eyes never seemed to leave yours. “Niall, what’s going on?” You ask as you run your fingers through your hair. “I’m fine, what are you talking about?” His answer is laid back, reminding you of the old him. “Randomly leaving class, disappearing for days, no communication between us is normal to you?” You can feel the tears threatening to spill out but you refuse to let them out. He makes his way towards you, cupping your face. “I’m sorry please don’t cry. Please, I’m sorry.” You push away from him as he tries pulling you into a hug. He leans in to you connecting his lips to yours.  Things start getting more heated as he grabs you, making you straddle him. The sharp pain that shoots through your bottom lip makes you open your eyes. You push away managing to stand up; Niall’s face is different, animal looking. His eyes pop open revealing yellow eyes and he growls. You walk backwards trying to create distance between both of you. He reveals his fangs next, before lunging at you.

Zayn (Were-Wolf) - Sometimes you swear your best friend was an ass. He took things too far. You walked through the night trying to find a cab, but the streets were empty. You mumbled curse words as the heels began causing you pain. At the sounds of footsteps your heart stops. You know better than to look back, you’ve seen movies; looking back means you die. You do the next best thing; take off your heels and run. The footsteps pick up pace also, you keep reminding yourself to not look back. Not knowing where you’re going, you keep making random turns. Dead end. You lean against the wall trying to make yourself quiet. You whimper as you see a shadow enter the street you’re in. The person stops a few feet in front of you and blue eyes stare at you. As he takes a step towards you another body lands in front of you. You would recognize him anywhere, Zayn. His breathing is wild and as you look down his hands, they have claws?

Louis (Were-Panther) - The wilderness always had this factor about it that made you just relax. You’re aware of the dangers that it brings but you’ve never been in those types of situation. There was a trail you always followed with your flashlight, you left it marked in order to get back home. As water drops fall you quickly run the trail before the marks leave. It starts pouring in matter of seconds, the path becomes muddier. It starts becoming impossible to even walk through, you stop as you can no longer move your feet. Twigs snapping in half catch your attention. You flash your light towards the direction of the noise, a panther comes in sight. This is how you go, really? You don’t even fight it because if you run he’ll chase you. You can hear your heart beating. As it lunges for you a black panther hits it, you let a squeal making yourself fall. You sit there frozen in shock as the black panther chases the other one way. After a few moments it just stands there and in a blink of an eye a naked man stands in front of you. As he turns round you realize its Louis standing there.


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