Ashton Imagine

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An Evening to Remember

 As I sat on the grass, I looked up as I heard the music play. I came here often and lately I had seen them come each day just to play to a small crowd, hoping to one day become famous. I smiled as I closed my eyes to listen. I never stayed for the whole performance as I always came and left at the same time but today I decided I’d just listen. I heard their harmonies mix together and I held my breath. They sounded so beautiful and man, was I in love. I had never introduced myself to them because I was just one girl among many faces but they changed me. They couldn’t see me from where they played as I sat back against a tree with a book in my hand and my head down. I glanced up and saw him. I didn’t know his name and I wasn’t sure if he sang but ever since I first saw him, I couldn’t get him out of my head. He was gorgeous and his smile melted my stomach. His laugh was insanely joyful and a part of me wanted to get to know him, but I was content with just sitting by and watching, or rather listening to him as he banged along on his little drum box or whatever it was.

 As their little show came to an end, I checked the time. I sighed contently and got up, gathering my stuff before walking in the direction of the group. A few girls surrounded them and I smiled as they talked and laughed together. I walked by, hoping I’d see them again soon, but for now, I knew he would be in my thoughts. As I neared my car, I heard a loud hey and it made me glance over my shoulder. The boy with the happy eyes and kind smile was jogging up to me. I’m sure my face twisted into a confused expression as his laugh slipped lightly out of his mouth. As he came closer, his breathing seemed a little short.

 “Um, are you okay?” I gave a light laugh as he bent down slightly.

 “Yes, yes I’m great. Not at all out of breath.” He was still bent over but I could hear the light tone of voice so I let out another soft giggle.

 “I can see that. Can I help you with anything?” He finally stood up straight and I could see his light green/hazel eyes. “Maybe some water or a spray of mist?”

 “Nah.” He laughed. “But you can tell me your name. I’m Ashton. I see you sitting under that tree every single day. You always seem to have a small smile on your face and you always seem to leave early but today you stayed. I thought it’d be nice to know who the mystery girl from the tree was.”

 “I’m Y/N,” I smiled, “I had extra time today to stay a little longer and your band’s good so I thought ‘why not stay and listen’.”

 “It’s nice to meet you Y/N,” He stepped forward, “Why don’t you go for a walk with me?”

 I looked around. “Now? What about your friends?”

 “Yes, now.” He laughed. “They won’t mind.”

 “Okay. Sure.” I laughed, forgetting about needing to get home as I left my stuff in the car and started walking along the park with him. We learned a little about each other. He was a year older than me, he had a little brother named Harry, he loved his band and hoped to make it big someday, he would love to travel around the world (preferably with his band but in general too), but mostly he said he just liked being able to change people’s lives for the better with his band’s music. That’s what he wanted most: to be able to be there for people who felt like they had no one, for those who lost a parent or had a parent leave them, for those who felt so helpless they wanted to die. He wanted them to know that they weren’t alone and that there is always someone out there who cares and loves them and wants them around.

 “Wow” was all I could reply after he had told me that. I was shocked at how wonderful that was. I’d always felt the same way but never really said it aloud because I didn’t think of how impacting it could be but when he said it, I knew it was inspirational and I was impacted. I truly felt as though he cared, even if right now I didn’t have anything bad going on in my life. We walked around in silence and it wasn’t awkward. I felt as though we had been friends for a while and these silent moments were easy, the way they should be.

 As we walked to the edge of the water that was next to the park, I stared out, watching the sunset. I smiled thinking of how nice it was. It had been a while since I was able to truly just rest. I sighed and closed my eyes, taking in the nice, warm breeze. I opened my eyes and let out a soft noise before saying, “Wow. It’s beautiful.”

 I wish I could say the next scene was like a movie and he’d reply yeah before I’d look up and see him staring at me but it wasn’t. He gave a small content ‘hmm’ and I looked over to see him lost in thought. I just stared for a minute as I could see his mind reeling through the way his eyes flickered around. I looked at my phone, checking the time, and saw it was getting pretty late. We had been hanging around for a couple of hours and my mind went to food. I hadn’t eaten since lunchtime which was around 11:30ish. I looked up and saw him still lost in thought and a part of me didn’t want to knock him out of it, but I knew I had to.

 “Well, Ashton,” he turned his head when he heard his name and gave me a soft smile, “it’s getting pretty late and I should get home. Plus I’m hungry so food sounds like a good idea. It was nice getting to know you.” I gave him a smile and turned to go back to my car.

 “Wait.” At that, I felt a hand on my wrist and a quick turn found my lips pressed to his and his hand on my waist, keeping me close. It was soft and didn’t last long, but it was perfect. He pulled away and as I slowly opened my eyes, I found him doing the same.

 “Well, Y/N,” he gave a soft smirk, “it has been nice getting to know you as well, but I am looking forward to getting to know you even more. I slipped my number into your phone when you weren’t looking earlier and I’m hoping you will give me a call. I truly had a wonderful evening.” He gave me one last kiss on the cheek before walking off. I stood there for a minute, shocked at all that had just happened but then I broke into the biggest smile ever. This was definitely a wonderful evening and I may or may not be squealing like a girl when I get home.

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