(1D) Out of my Limit

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Out of my Limit


Harry: “No more having to chase, To win that prize.”

You were working for One Direction when you first met Harry. A few weeks later, after getting to know him better, he actually asked you out. But you, to the dismay of your friends, politely declined his offer, not wanting to date someone who you worked with. But that didn’t stop him. He bought you flowers until your apartment was full of them, cracked funny jokes until your stomach hurt, but you still wouldn’t accept whenever he asked. Finally he got sick and tired of it, and just pulled you onstage during a show to ask you. Overwhelmed with emotion, yyou finally accepted, and he smiled as he knew he finally had you.

Zayn: “You’re just a little bit out of my limit.”

You were like no one Zayn had ever dated before. You were loud and fun and spontaneous and the complete opposite of Zayn. Most people wondered why you two were even together. Sometimes both of you wondered that yourselves, like when you wanted to go out while he just wanted to stay home, a regular occurrence with the two of you. But Zayn loved having something out of his comfort zone in his life, and you loved how he made you slow down and just relax every now and then. I guess the phrase “Opposites attract” really was true.

Louis: “Back in high school, We used to make up plans.”

When the two of you were in high school, you were inseparable. One of your favorite memories with him was when the two of you just laid out in his backyard, and talked about your futures, making up crazy plans together. To this day, he had fulfilled his promise to himself that he would become a singer, and you were working on completing college. But with Louis on tour, you never got to see him anymore, until one day when you were studying for final exams, and there was a knock on the door. “Hey, sweetie,” he said as you leapt into his arms. “I see we’re both doing what we wanted now,”

Niall: “It’s been two years now and you haven’t even seen the best of me.”

You and Niall had been friends for almost two years now, and it was great. Except for one thing: you had a tiny little crush on him. So when you were around him, you acted differently than when you were around the rest of the boys. One day, after talking with your best friend, (Y/F/N) over the phone, you saw Niall come up to you, and he leaned against the wall, mimicking your position. “Why do you act differently with other people? Is there something that you’re not telling me?” You blushed sheepishly, not wanting to tell him yet about your crush.

Liam: “And in my mind now I’ve been over this a thousand times.”

"I can’t do this man," Liam told Niall. "C’mon man," he told his best friend. "We’ve been over this thousands of times. She’s just a girl, mate. You can do this." Liam nodded. "You’re right. I can do this." One more deep breath, and he started to walk over to your figure, about twenty feet away. "Hey Liam!" You said, obviously in a good mood, giving him a hug. "Hey, (Y/N)." He said, looking at his feet. "Oh, what’s wrong, sweetie? Are you okay?" "Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just… (Y/N) will you go out with me?" You looked at him in shock, with wide eyes, not able to speak. "Oh my God." You said. "Yes! Of course I will!" You squealed, giving himanother hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

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