(5SOS) You Forget His Birthday

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You Forget His Birthday (His P.O.V)

Ashton:When I woke up I quickly rolled over to see (y/n) still sleeping. "Wake up!" I smiled shaking her lightly. "Fuck off, Ash, I'm trying to sleep." She answered. It was my birthday and all I got was a 'Fuck off, Ash'. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. Even though it was my birthday I still had to go record. "Bye, (y/n)" I mumbled before leaving. I spent all day recording. I couldn't wait to go home to (y/n) and have a nice birthday dinner. When I walked through the door (y/n) was watching a movie with her friends. "Hey Ashton, Happy Birthday!" (y/f/n) said. (y/n) jumped up with big eyes. "Oh my God, Ashton, I'm so sorry." She cried. "I forgot your birthday, I'm such a shit girlfriend." I hugged (y/n) and kissed the top of her head. "I think you can make it up to me." I winked.

Calum: Today was my birthday and I couldn't wait to spend it with my friends, family and especially my girlfriend. I called (y/n), ready to make plans for the day. "Hey babe, want you come out to dinner with everyone tonight?" I asked her. "Sorry, Cal, I have plans. I'll see what I can do." She said before hanging up. I pouted, not even a happy birthday over the phone? I got ready for my dinner. Maybe (y/n) was just trying to surprise me, I told myself. When dinner was over it was clear that (y/n) completely forgot my birthday. I drove back home devastated. All I wanted was to see her but she couldn't even make time for me. "Hey Calum," (y/n) said sitting on the steps to my house. "I'm sorry I forgot about your birthday." She said sadly. I looked down at her. I could tell she was sorry, it looked like she had been crying. I kissed her. "It's alright."

Luke: I said in the living room drinking a beer. (y/n) walked in and looked at me oddly. "Lucas, why are you drinking a beer at 11 o'clock in the morning?" She asked. Today was my 18th birthday, I was finally legal. "No 17 year old boy drinks unless he is at a party." She continued. That explained it, she didn't know it was my birthday. I was going to lie. It hurt my feelings. "Babe," I said disappointed. "I'm 18. Today is my birthday." I told her. (y/n) turned to look at me with wide eyes. "Oh my, Luke, I'm so sorry. Let me make it up to you. How is dinner? Where do you want to go? I'll make reservations at that new fancy place!" (y/n) rambled. I laughed kissing her. I might have been a little annoyed but it was kind of cute.

Michael: "You forgot my birthday, (y/n)! That isn't something I can just get over!" I yelled at my girlfriend of a year. The time I forgot our six month anniversary I didn't hear the end of it for weeks. And now (y/n) couldn't even remember my birthday. Instead she went out partying with her friends. She could have did that will me, for MY birthday. "I'm sorry, Michael! I have had a lot on my mind lately. I just wanted to go out." She yelled. "Do you not even care about me?" I asked. After a moment of silence I saw tears coming out of (y/n)'s eyes. "Michael, I love you more than anyone else. Of course I care about you. I fucked up okay. If you want to break up with me just say it and I'll leave you alone." She cried. I walked over, wrapping my arms around her. "It's alright, just don't forget my birthday ever again." I told her kissing the top of her head.

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