(1D) "Goodnight"

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Harry: You both walked hand in hand down the side walk after you snuck outside for a late night walk with your boyfriend. Harry had time off of tour and he insisted on seeing you. You could feel his grip tighten as he came to realize that it was only a few more minutes before he would have to walk away from your door step, leaving you to sleep in a cold lonely bed. You told him weeks prior that you wanted to wait for your wedding night to have any extreme intimacy, he was more than happy to wait because he knew you were worth it.

You slowly approached the door. Your eyes started to get heavy with tiredness and sorrow, knowing you’d have to shut the door when he left. You finally reached you door step.

“(Y/N), I’m glad you came for the walk…I just really missed you…”

“I missed you too, Harry! It was terrible not seeing you for so long…I just don’t want you to leave for tour again…”

“I’m sorry babe…”

“It’s okay Harry, just remember you save millions of lives on a daily bases”

A quick smirk appeared on his face, and then he leaned in to give you the typical goodnight kiss.

“I love you (y/n), but you need sleep…its awfully late and I don’t need a grumpy girlfriend…Goodnight Love”

“Goodnight Harry”

You watched him jog to the driver’s side of his car…starting in and giving you a final wave.

You wanted to wait for him to leave before you went inside. You soon felt your phone buzz.

*text from- Harry x

Babe, I can’t leave until I know your safe behind the other side of that door…I don’t want anyone taking you”

You blew him a kiss then opened your door, waving at him one last time and finally shutting it.

*To Harry-

I love you Harry, I love that you’re so protective and caring. I love that you save people’s lives just by singing and tweeting. I love the dimples on your cheeks and your cute fluffy hair. All the tattoos you got in honor of the millions of girls that dedicate their lives to you…in general…I just love everything about you…drive safe and please message me when you are safe in the hotel…goodnight babe <3 xox*

Louis: You walked down the isle of the grocery store, trying to find something you’ve been craving. It wasn’t an obvious craving…it was one of those cravings that you had to taste a BUNCH of stuff before you could figure it out. You just kept grabbing a bunch of snack foods, throwing it into your shopping bin, before you knew it; a guy with the most charming smile was staring at you. You knew who he was the second you saw him…but you knew better than to fan girl. You just gave a quick smile back and continued grabbing random items.

“Love, May I ask why you’re buying so much food?”

“Oh, um…well I have a craving…but…I just don’t know what I’m exactly craving!”

“Well…when that happens to me…I usually just buy ice-cream…that usually works!”


You started putting all the stuff back into their places.

“Yea, it works like a charm, actually I could go for some icecream myself! Do ya mind getting some ice cream with me?”

You nodded your head shyly trying to hide the red cheeks that were burning on your face.

“There’s no need to hide, you look cute with rosy cheeks! May I ask your name?”

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