(5SOS) Your Kid Says Their First Word

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Your Kid Says Their First Word

Ashton: You are exhausted. Hours and hours spent catering to your new favorite little boy has turned into hours and hours of little sleep and much running around. Ashton’s day off is a huge relief to you, and you’re pleased just to spend it in your pajamas, watching the two of them interact. Ashton looks at him as though he could be the king of the world, and you practically feel your heart melt. “He’s been a lot more talkative lately,” you say to Ashton. Ash’s eyes grow about ten thousand times and he frantically asks, “But not full words yet, right?” You crawl down onto the floor to sit next to them and run your fingers through Ash’s hair. “No, babe, not yet. You don’t work that much.” He lets out a sigh of relief and then starts trying to get the little guy to talk to him. He’s patting his knees in rhythm subconsciously and all of a sudden the two of you hear something you never expected. “Drums” which, admittedly, sounded a bit more like “Dwums” but you are willing to take it. Ashton’s smile is so wide. “Looks like we’ve got another little rock star on our hands.”

Calum: Your little girl is obsessed with the zoo. She cries every time you leave, so you just keep coming back. Every time you go she picks a new favorite animal, and Calum always jokes about how happy Luke would be if she chose penguins. Today, the three of you sit in the aviary to watch the birds. Her little eyes light up every time one flies overhead. Calum bounces her up and down on his knees, but she’s too preoccupied to even notice. Her neck is bent upward in complete and total awe. “Do you know what those are?” you ask her, poking her tummy. She looks toward you for a moment. Calum repeats the question, ending it with a goofy face and planting a tiny kiss on her tiny nose. She squirms and points toward the ceiling, where a few birds sit on branches. She doesn’t answer, but instead keeps looking up in total amazement. Finally, you three have to pack up and go home, but as you’re walking out the doors, she leans over Cal’s shoulder and says, “Bye-bye.” Neither you nor Calum could quit smiling.

Luke: You are lucky enough to spend the day in the studio with Luke and the other boys. Your baby girl, however, had little regard for their peace and quiet and kept crying, or giggling whenever she saw Luke behind the screen. You continue trying to keep her occupied, taking walks around the studio and singing little nursery rhymes to her, but when she wasn’t crying about being hungry, she was crying about not being with her dad. You take her back inside and see that the boys are about to take a break. When Luke walks through the door, his eyes light up and he reaches to take her from your arms. She laughs and says, “Dada.” You gasp and Luke, surprised, says, “What’s that?” “Dada, Dada, Dada!” she giggles. You look at Luke and grin, but he has a sly smirk on his face and says, “See, I always knew I was her favorite.” You tickle your little girl’s sides and says, “Listen cutie, next we’re teaching you my name.”

Michael: Everybody knows that you and Michael have a running competition on seeing which of your names will be your son’s first word. You feel pretty confident in having the upper hand, since most of the time when he wakes up in the middle of the night, Michael is fast asleep so you’re left to tend to him. Ashton keeps poking the little boy’s stomach while you’re out and about one day. They keep giggling and you look at Michael, shaking your head and laughing. Your son reaches toward Ashton’s nose and says, “Ash.” Ashton’s eyes almost pop out of his head. You look at Michael in total disbelief. “What’s that, bud?” Michael asks, and your son repeats it – pointing toward the drummer. “I win!” Ashton chuckles, and part of you honestly isn’t surprised.

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