(1D) Mistletoe

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Harry: “Merry Christmas, El!” You say, hugging Eleanor as she walks into you and Harry’s house. “Merry Christmas!” She says, smiling. “Where’s Louis?” Harry asks, snaking an arm around your waist. “Parking the car.” Eleanor says, just as Louis walks up beside her. “Merry Christmas, love birds! How’s the first Christmas for you two together going?” He asks. Harry smiles down at you, as you smile back up at him. “Perfect,” You say, grinning. “I can’t believe you got me a car!” You tell Harry, as you walk outside to the back porch. “You deserve it. I like spoiling you.” Harry says, pulling you into a hug. You smile, but shiver at the winter coolness. “Cold?” Harry asks. You nod, burying your face in his neck. “I love you.” You whisper. Harry grins. “Love you too, Kitten. Come on, lets get you inside before you get sick.” As you and Harry walk through the door, people cheer. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Niall and Zayn start chanting. Harry glances up at the mistletoe he had hung earlier. “You want a kiss? I’ll give you one.” Harry says, before pulling you close, and kissing you softly, but passionately, tongue and all. “Whoa!” Louis screams, laughing. “Keep it rated PG-13!” Perrie says. You and Harry pull away, laughing and out of breath. “Merry Christmas, everyone!” You yell.

Louis: You eyed Louis, who was in the corner talking to some girl. Jealousy struck your insides. Why? Why did he have to go and cheat? You had left, without no warning after you found out. “He misses you.” Harry says, coming up beside you, making you jump. “I don’t know what your talking about.” You say. “Don’t give me that shit, (Y/N). You know damn right he misses you.” You squeeze your eyes shut, trying hard not to cry. “Just go away, Harry! I didn’t even want to come. Perrie and Danielle made me.” You say, sipping your drink. “He said you cheated.” Niall mutters, coming up beside Harry. “H-He said that?” You ask, in total shock. “Uh, yeah.” Harry says. “That jerk!” You say handing your drink to Harry and walking up to Louis. “What the hell?! You told your idiot friends that I cheated?! Why don’t you tell them the truth, Louis? YOU cheated. YOU hurt me. Your such a pain in the a-” Louis interrupts you by putting his hands on your cheeks and kissing you. Hard, and passionately. You kiss him back, missing his kisses so much. “What’d you do that for? We broke up.” You say. Louis smiles, nodding up. “Mistletoe. Now, get back here.” He pulls you in for another kiss, making Danielle snap a picture. “I’m never letting you go again.” Louis murmurs, before giving you a hug.

Liam: “So, what do you want for Christmas?” Liam asks, as you drive to Zayn and Perrie’s apartment with your daughter, Anna for their Christmas party. It was 10 days before Christmas, and Anna was excited. What 4 year old wouldn’t be, though? “A puppy!” Anna exclaims. Liam chuckles. “A puppy?” He asks. Your daughter nods. “We’ll see.” You say. Anna squeals. “What do you want, sweetie?” Liam asks, glancing at you. “Nothing. I have everything I need. Except I would like another child.” You say. Liam smiles over at you. “We’ll work on that tonight,” He smirks, winking. You blush, giggling. “Hey, Anna, you want to stay with Uncle Harry tonight?” You ask. Anna nods, happily. As Liam pulls into Zayn and Perrie’s drive way, you grin. After you all get out of the car, and Anna runs inside, you and Liam walk through the door together, hand in hand. “Wait, you have to kiss!” Perrie says, smiling, as Zayn points to the mistletoe above you and Liam’s heads. “Its a tradition.” Zayn says, chuckling. Liam kisses you lightly, making everyone ‘aw’. You and Liam pull away, blushing.

Zayn: “Zayn! Zayn! Zayn!” You say, running up to your boyfriend. “Yeah?” Zayn asks, looking at you. “Eleanor and Louis got engaged!” You squeal. Zayn laughs, nodding. “I know. I helped Louis pick the ring.” You frown a bit. “When are we going to get engaged?” You ask. “Good luck with that question, mate.” Harry says, walking away laughing. Zayn gulps. “Can we not talk about this right now?” He asks. “Why not? We’ve been together for 3 years, Zayn.” Zayn sighs. “I’m just not ready to say bye to my single days yet.” You freeze. “Your not single!” You say. “If you keep asking that dumb question, I will be.” Zayn says. You cant believe what your hearing. “Fine! If you want your single days back, than you can have them. We’re through. Have a nice life, Malik.” You walk to the door, Zayn hot on your trails. “Kiss.” Niall notes, standing beside the door. “What?” You ask. “You have to kiss. Mistletoe.” He point above you and Zayn’s heads. “But-” Zayn shrugs, pecking your lips. “Do me a favor and go open that present right there.” He says, pointing to a small present in a corner. You walk to the gifts, and pick it up. “Go on,” He says. You open it, to find a diamond ring. “Now, will you stop being so damn stubborn and marry me?” He asks. You smile, and nod.

Niall: You and Niall had went a few times, but your never kissed yet. Christmas morning, your found yourself pulling into Harry’s drive way for Christmas gifts. Niall runs out as you get out of your car, carrying the presents for the boys. “(Y/N)!” Niall says, pulling you in for a hug. “Hi, Niall.” You say, grinning as you hug him back. “Let me take those.” Niall says, pulling away and grabbing the presents from your hands. “Thanks.” You say. Niall nods. “Anytime. Anyway, Harry got me a new car.” You laugh. “Wow.” You and Niall walk into the house together, and Harry and Louis cheer. “You have to kiss! Finally!” Louis yells, laughing. Niall blushes. “What?” You ask. “Mistletoe. We have mistletoe above us.” Niall says, blushing red. “Fine.” You shrug, pulling Niall to you, and kissing him softly. “Finally.” Liam says, sighing happily. You and Niall pull away. “Merry Christmas, (Y/N).” “Merry Christmas, Ni.”

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