Ashton Imagine

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Werewolf Ashton Imagine

You ran through the woods, sorrow overwhelming you. Your father had forbid you from seeing your boyfriend, Ashton again. Why? Because of how Ashton acts. Saying he's always hiding something. Your dad did have a point though he did hide from them that he was, indeed, a werewolf.
"Stupid Dad!" You roared, punching a nearby tree, not too hard so you didn't break a bone or something.
You continued to run, anger and sadness driving you. You ran from home, not wanting to here anymore. You loved Ashton more than anything and hearing the news broke your heart. Why did he have to be a werewolf?
You heard leaves crunching from behind you and immediately stopped, turning behind you. A familiar dirty blonde haired wolf with light brown eyes stood there, his emerald eyes filled with pain. You threw your arms around his neck and buried your head into his soft fur. His chest grumbled lightly as he put his huge head on your shoulder. He pulled away and ran behind a tree, coming out a few seconds later in nothing but a pair of jeans.
Ashton wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his warm body. You felt hot tears on your head and looked up to see the man you loved, eyes bloodshot and watery.
"Ashton, I'm so sorry." You cried, wiping away his tears.
He caught your hand and kissed it, before kissing your forehead. "I'm not going to let them take you away from me, (Y/N)."
"It's not that simple, Ashton. They could kill you, for God's sake!" You stated, clinging onto him.
"I don't care! You're mine. Only mine! I could die if I wasn't with you." He growled, kissing your hair.
"No, you wouldn't. You could move on and imprint on some gal. You could forget about me..." You sighed, pulling away from him and sitting on a log.
"I would never forget about you and much less imprint on someone else because I...." He started..
"You what, Ashton?" You studied him.
He looked you dead in the eyes, a smile on his face. "I imprinted on you, (Y/N)."
Your mouth fell open in shock and you threw your arms around him. "How is that possible? I thought it couldn't happen!"
"Well it did happen. And I couldn't be happier." He laughed, kissing you lightly. Then, his face turned serious. "Let's leave. Right now."
"What?" You pulled back, confusion written all over your face.
"Let's run away. Leave this place. We could go anywhere we want to. No one could find us and we would be together." He explained, excitement in his handsome face.
You thought about it, finally nodding. "Alright, I'll go with you, Ashton."
He kissed you passionately, looking into your eyes. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"And I love you, Ashton. My only love..." You smiled, looking into his eyes.

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