(1D) You Get In A Car Crash

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You Get In A Car Crash...

Liam: You were driving to school and it was very snowy. The roads were icy and it was snowing so hard you could hardly see. You put on your wipers and watched as they struggled to move the heavy snow from the windshield. You started to get nervous but thought if you went slow you’d be ok. As you were making a sharp turn your car slipped and it fell down a steep hill. You were instantly knocked unconscious. The couple that was driving behind you saw the whole thing and they called the emergency number. Ambulances couldn’t get to you so LifeFlight was called. They carried you up into the helicopter and immediately flew you to the hospital. You were starting to get hypothermia and you had a lot of blood loss. Finally, when you arrived at the hospital they rushed you to get an MRI. Your skull was cracked, your brain was swollen, your neck was sprained and you had some broken ribs. Liam actually heard on the news there was a major crash and that the victim was a teenager who was driving to school. It did sound like you but he brushed it off. He was at his flat with Niall hanging out when his phone rang. “Hello?” He said confused because he didn’t recognize the number. “Hello. Are you Liam Payne?” The person on the other line asked. “Why?” He asked because he thought it might be a crazy fan that somehow got his number. “Well your girlfriend (Y/N) is in the hospital. She her car crashed and rolled down a hill this morning. It doesn’t look to good. We suggest you come here immediately.” The person said with no emotion in their voice. He hung up without saying goodbye. He grabbed Niall and told him what happened while leaving his flat. When he got to the hospital you were out of surgery. The sight of you made him more sad than scared. There were tubes in your mouth and you were hooked up to a lot of weird looking monitors. He slumped into the chair, put his elbows on his knees and rested his chin in his hands. He just sat there and cried. He wouldn’t leave when visiting hours ended and all he did was sit and wait for you to wake up. The doctor decided that you were able to be taken off of life support. You woke up a few days later and your eyes opened to Liam propped up against the chair and snoring softly. You didn’t know where you were but when scary images from the accident flooded your mind you started to whimper. The noise woke Liam up and he wiped his eyes a few times. “(Y/N)! I thought I almost lost you!” He said starting to cry and hug you. You were somewhat shocked but you still hugged him back. “I love you (Y/N) and I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’ll be there for you every step of the way. I promise.” He said cupping your face and giving you a sincere look. You nodded and he wiped a tear away from your cheek.

Louis: You and Louis were in the car driving home. He was driving and you turned up the radio and Crazy Train was on. The both of you were singing when you saw headlights on your side of the window. You squinted to see better then everything went blank. It was a drunk driver who hit the side of your car. The window shards sliced your face and one actually got in your eye. The force broke your arm and a rib. Louis just bumped his head into the window. While he was holding his head and he saw you laying forward, your forehead leaning on the dashboard he started to yell your name and push you gently trying to get you to wake up. Soon an ambulance arrived and he begged to go with you but they wouldn’t let him. He called Harry crying and he came and picked Louis up to drive him to the hospital. You had to have surgery on your eye, because the abrasions caused by the shards hitting your eye could cause and infection, and then your rib afterwards. You woke up to all five boys standing around you and Louis in your face, with his nose touching yours. You started to cry because of the pain in your eye and your rib. “Shh, shh. It’s okay (Y/N).” Louis said sitting next to you and putting his arm around you. “It hurts…” You said whimpering. “I know. Just hold in there ok? I’m so sorry this happened. It was a drunk driver. There really was no way of stopping it but I’m just glad you’re ok. I’ll be here for you. Anything you need tell me. We can go home in a few days, love.” He said pulling your hair out of your face. You nodded and closed your eyes happy you were okay and you had your boyfriend with you to help you.

Zayn: You were driving home from Zayn’s flat after you two had a heated argument. The light was red and you sat there crying and waiting for it to turn green. It did and a car from behind you hit yours straight on. You jerked forward and your head hit the windshield and cracked it. The driver got out and called an ambulance. Your skull cracked and you surely got a concussion. Somehow the news spread and Niall found out before Zayn. Niall sped to Zayn’s flat and told him to get in the car because you were hurt. The two drove to the hospital and beat the ambulance there. Zayn and Niall were near the entrance when your ambulance approached. You were on a stretcher and you were covered in your blood. Niall had to hold Zayn back as they quickly wheeled you past. Niall and Zayn were told to stay in the waiting room and wait for you to come out of surgery. All Zayn did was cry and Niall did a little bit too. The surgery was successful and the doctor walked over to Zayn and Niall who were now jogging towards the doctor. “Which one of you are (Y/N)’s boyfriend?” He said glancing at both Niall and Zayn. Zayn raised his hand and the doctor motioned him to come to your room. When he walked in his stomach dropped. You were laying on the bead, motionless, and your head was bandaged up tightly. Zayn covered his face in his arm and walked over to a chair and sat down. He was silent for a while and he just stared at you. “I’m so sorry…” He said his voice breaking. “This…is all my fault. I should have never told you to leave.” He said standing up and getting closer to you. Your eyes started to flutter and you hesitantly opened them because already the light was hurting your eyes. You squinted your eyes and saw Zayn standing there with his mouth open. “Zayn…” You said quietly. “(Y/N)! I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. This, everything, is all my fault.” He said grabbing your hands. “Don’t. No it’s not. Ok? I’m fine and so are you.” You said trying to sound stronger than you really were. He just nodded and gently kissed you.

Niall: “I’m going to go to Nando’s would you like me to get you anything?” You asked Niall as he jumped up and started to tell you what he wanted. “Ok, I’ll be back in a few!” You yelled as you walked out his flat door. You jogged to the car because the sky turned a scary black and it looked as it was going to pour. As you turned onto the main road you saw the car behind you kept swerving. “Kids…” You muttered and turned. The car kept following you and you got to a stop light. You realized there were two cars racing and they were heading right towards the back of your car. You tried to go into drive but it was too late. The one car ran into the back of you and the other hit your side. You were only knocked up a bit, but the force of the two cars hitting yours threw you into a busy intersection. You started to get up but then another car hit yours and it landed on top of yours. You were crushed and you were knocked out. An ambulance soon came and it was their top priority to get you out because no one else was seriously injured. Niall looked out of his window of his flat and saw a lot of sirens and flashing lights. He soon saw your car and started to panic. He swiftly ran down to where the crash was and saw you on a stretcher. He heard a man yell “She’s dead!” Then saw a man rushing over to you with a defibrillator. He started to cry and ran over. He watched your small body jerk up each time you were shocked. You finally woke up and he was in the ambulance with you. “Oh my god.” Was all Niall could say between tears. “What happened to me?” You said trying to get up. Niall softly pushed you back. “There was a car accident. You died once but they brought you back…I’m so sorry this happened to you Princess…” He said holding your hand very tightly. “It’s ok and I’m ok. I love you.” You said closing your eyes to try to sleep.

Harry: Today was the day Harry was coming home from the US tour. You were so excited you told him you would pick him up at the airport. You just turned onto the highway. There were many sharp turns but you never worried because you’ve always been an outstanding driver. A tractor trailer was rounding a turn in the lane next to you and you watched in horror as it fell and crushed your car. You woke up and saw very scary looking florescent lights above you. There was a small buzzing noise and you heard an obnoxious beeping sound every second or so. You thought you were dead. You remembered what happened and just how hard the huge truck hit you. You curled your fingers slightly and you heard a gasp and then a sniffle. You slowly turned your head to see Harry and all the boys sitting and standing crying and looking at you. “(Y/N)…” Harry said scooting his char over next to your bed. “Am I dead?” You whispered looking back up to the lights. “No. You aren’t.” Louis said sternly. “When the truck his your car, you were wedged between the dashboard and the steering wheel. You just broke both your legs and a lung collapsed.” Harry said gently putting his hand on your forehead. You lifted an arm and winced when a shooting pain went throughout your body. “Just don’t move, love.” Harry said taking your hand and kissing it. “I’m just so grateful you’re alright.” He whispered as you watched a tear roll down his cheek. 

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