(5SOS) You're Pregnant with a One Direction Member's Baby

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You're Pregnant with a One Direction Member's Baby

Luke: When he had found out you were dating Louis Tomlinson, he wasn’t exactly the happiest and to make matters worse, you soon got pregnant by said Louis Tomlinson. You hadn’t seen Luke in a couple of months and you were now 4 1/2 months pregnant with your baby girl. Louis held your hand tightly as Luke was about to come over. “He’s not happy about this already, Louis, I don’t want to make him even more mad.” Louis shook his head. “All he wants is for you to be happy, and you are happy right?” you smile and rub your hand over your swollen belly. “Yeah, I’m very happy!” You then heard a gasp from the doorway and looked up to see your brother in the doorway. “Hey Luke!” “It’s really happening isn’t it? You’re having a baby?” Louis rested his hand on your belly. “Yeah, she looks great doesn’t she?”

Michael: It was just a crazy one night stand with Harry that turned into the two of you dating and now having a baby together. Michael couldn’t even look at you or Harry for the longest time, so much time that he didn’t notice that your stomach was swelling up with a bump to house your baby. Harry had his huge hands on your belly and kept blowing kisses onto it. “I still say it’s a boy.” he mutters and you shake your head. “Keep dreaming Styles, it’s gonna be a girl.” “You’re both still too young for this.” you look up to see Michael staring at the two of you, no expression readable on his face. “Your belly’s growing, (YN).” he noted and you nodded, standing up with Harry’s help and walking over to your brother. “You don’t have to be happy about this situation Michael, and yes I have Harry with me to help me through this, but you’re my big brother and i need your help too, please help me!” Michael took your hands in his and kissed your forehead. “Just give me time to adjust to the situation, but I’ll still help you! That’s what brothers are for!”

Ashton: He had been chasing Niall around the venue for the longest time and you sat in between Luke and Calum eating some chips that Luke had gotten you. “Thanks for the chips.” you say and he nods. “No problem, you think he’s going to kill Niall.” “If he can catch him, maybe. I didn’t know that either one of them could run that fast.” Finally you see Ashton and Niall again and this time Niall climbed onto the back of Paul as Paul just glared at the both of them. “I don’t want to know the extent of the situation, but i do know that arguing and fighting is not best for the baby, so you two need to knock it off and be civil with each other, okay?” Ashton shook his head and walked towards you and took the bag of chips from you and had one himself. “He got my sister pregnant!” You glared at him. “And I’m about to get you put into a hospital if you don’t give me the damn chips back, Ashton!” you snatched them back from him and walked over to Niall. “Come on, I’m almost out of chips and I’m still hungry!”

Calum: “Why would you get pregnant so young, (YN)?” Calum asked and you threw the pillow from your bed across the room nearly hitting him. “I already told you I don’t know, Calum! At least unlike most girls I actually know who the damn father is!” Calum froze. “Who is the father, (YN)?” “You know how I visited you on tour?” “Yeah?” “Well, i kind of snuck into Liam’s dressing room cause he texted me and we kind of, yeah, you know.” Calum couldn’t speak for a minute. “Liam Payne from One Direction is the father of your child?” You nodded. “Yeah, and Liam already knows.” “He has a girlfriend that’s not you, (YN)!” you nod sadly. “Yeah, that part i got, but he says he’s still going to be around for the baby and he’ll still be there for me when i need him to be!” Calum nodded and dug his phone out of his pocket before dialing a number. “Oh he will be, don’t you worry about that, (YN)! He will be there for you and the baby, or I’ll kill him!”

(cred: mixingnialler)

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