(1D) His Child Calls You Mom

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His Child Calls You Mom

Zayn: After Zayn’s girlfriend left him alone with his son you moved in with him when he was just a few months old. Now at 5 years old you didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. “Mommy when daddy comes home from work can we get some ice cream?” he says playing with his toy cars. You could never say no to his big brown eyes that he had gotten from his father. “Of course we can sweetheart, just tell daddy okay.”

Liam: Your boyfriend Liam had asked you to take care of his one year old daughter while he went to meeting. You had been reading her a bed time story when you said, “Mama.” “No baby it’s Y/N,” you say putting the book down, but once she said “mama”. What you didn’t know was that Liam had already gotten home and had heard everything. “I hope she was well behaved ‘mama’,” he says laughing.

Harry: You had gone to pick up your boyfriend’s 6 year old son from school since Harry was stuck in traffic. As you walked over to him he had the biggest smile on his face and called a couple of his little friends over. “Look guys this is my mom, I mean…” he says about to correct himself. “Hey guys I’m Dylan’s mom, nice to meet you,” you say putting your hand on his shoulder while he beamed with happiness.

Louis: Louis’ 4 year old daughter’s birthday was coming up and she was trying to decide what theme she’d make it of. “I don’t want princesses anymore, they’re boring,” she says pouting her lips, “Can you help me mommy?” “How about Superheros?” you reply, “Daddy can even dress as Superman,” you giggle. After his daughter left upstairs Louis says, “You just want to see my bum don’t you?”

Niall: “You have to drink it son so you can get better,” Niall says trying to get his 3 year old son to drink the medicine. “NO!” he shouts running away. “Mommy I don’t want medicine,” he says running into your arms. “Want mommy to give it to you, and then I’ll make you a snack yeah?” “Yeah,” he says rubbing his eyes. After drinking his medicine he fell asleep in your arms too tired to even eat his snack.

(Tumblr. Next one is as well)

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