(5SOS) School Partners AU Part 1

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School Partners AU Part 1


Calum: (jock) You sit quietly in your science class, waiting for your teacher to call out the name of your partner for this semester. “Y/L/N, Hood.” You inwardly groan as you sit in your new spot, next to jock extraordinaire Calum Hood. He plays a sport year round and his friends love to tease you for being a nerd. You sit down without a word, but then he says, “Hey, I’m Calum.” You look at him, and hate to admit he’s really cute. “Y/N.” You open the page in your notes to start on the experiment. “Okay class, I’m going to get the supplies. I’ll be back shortly.” Your teacher leaves the room. You go to start working on your hypothesis when you hear one of his jock friends “whisper” loudly, “Hey, Hood, sucks you have to be with the geek, huh?” You sigh sadly, but then you notice Calum’s fists clench. “Don’t be a dick, man.” “Whatever.” The jock scoffs. “Sorry about them.” He gently pokes your shoulder to get your attention. “It’s okay.” “No it’s not. Let me make it up to you.” You bite your lip, smiling. “Okay.”

Michael: (Bad Boy) You try not to groan outwardly when you hear your partner is in fact Michael Clifford instead of your boyfriend. Michael, with that cocky smirk boys like him have, sits down next to you. “Hello, Y/N. Sucks your preppy boyfriend couldn’t help you fail at English.” “Stop being such a jerk.” You huff, turning away from him, “He’s not preppy.” Michael scoffs, “Don’t make me laugh, if you looked in the dictionary you’d see a picture of him next to ‘preppy’.” “When would you ever look in a dictionary?” You counter, causing him to smirk. “I’ll tell you one thing though.” Michael leans real close to your ear, then whispers, “I bet I can make you scream, way harder than he can. Just give me half a chance.” You gulp a bit, but then you sigh when you see him turn away as if to not give you another thought. This will be one hell of a year.

Ashton: (musician) You sit next to Ashton Irwin, one of the more talented drummers in your school. He looks up from his music book then gives you a onceover. “All Time Low. Nice.” He says approvingly, looking at your t-shirt. You smile, “Thanks, listen I kind of need your help.” “What?” “I wants to learn the drums, but I’m utter shit at it.” He snickers, causing you to blush. “I asked the music teacher, and he recommended you to teach me. Do you mind helping me out?” Ashton gives you this great smile. “Of course not.” “Want to start after school?” He nods. “It’s a date.” You can’t help the blush spread to your cheeks. “Is it?” You try to be coy. He gives you this dorky but at the same time seductive smile. “Oh absolutely.”

Luke: (nerd) You stare at the Shakespearean words. Ordinarily, they’d already be really confusing but with your dyslexia you’re already doubly confused. It’s free read time, when you feel a presence sit next to you. “Hey Y/N.” You look up and see Luke Hemmings, in all his nerdish glory. You couldn’t help but have a crush on him in all the years you’d known him, he was just so shy and mysterious. “Uh, hi Luke.” You try to quell your urge to blush. “Sorry to bother you, but I noticed you were having a bit of trouble with the reading and I wanted to offer my assistance.” You can’t help but smile. “No, you’re not bothering. I’d actually really love your help.” His eyes crinkle as he smiles. “Awesome.”

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