(1D) He Casually Mentions Marriage

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He Casually Mentions Marriage

Liam- His eyebrows are knit together as he stares at the blank wall from across you at the diner. "Liam!" You raise your voice trying to get his attention. "He's waiting for your order," you move your head to the waiter's direction. Liam snaps out of his mind and looks up at him holding a notepad in his hands. "Just a cheeseburger and fries on the side," the waiter scribbles in his notepad and makes his way out. "What were you thinking about?" You chuckle questioning him. "You really want to know because it will sound so stupid," he warns and you nod, your cheeks already blushing. "I was just picturing you in your white wedding gown. You know? When we get married," he says with a smile adorning his face.

Zayn- You were on a vacation in New York when he asked out of the nowhere what kind of ring you would like if he proposed. "That's something for only you to know. You have to surprise me, Zayn," you say fingers entwined while walking down Times Square. "I know. But I read an article that most brides wished their grooms would've gotten a different one. One of their choice," he informs. "Exactly, most brides," You stop by a jewelry store, the oversize windows giving you a clear view of all the beautiful diamonds, "But on second thought. I guess I can help you, but only because you insisted on my help. Come on, let's take a look," you point taking him into the building without hesitation.

He Casually Mentions Marriage

Niall- You were walking barefoot on the beach collecting pearly shells when you came upon a wedding. The bride and groom in the middle of their vows with all their family and friends weeping from behind. Niall holds you in his arms pressing your body against his harder happy to be witnessing such a beautiful step in life with you. He lowers his mouth to your ear and you soon feel his warm air. "This is how it's going to look like when we get married," he whispers, "only even better." You laugh a little and you turn around to hang your arms around his neck. "And what makes you think I will be marrying you?" "You're stuck with me. You have no other choice," he winks closing the distance in between and pecking your soft lips.

Harry- "I'm going to have to fix that soon," he says sitting across from you. "Fix what, Harry?" You question him deeply confused with no idea what he was referring to. "This," he stops to hold your hand and brings it up eye level, mentioning your bare marriage finger. You feel your cheeks turn rosy and he laughs. "It's kind of embarrassing to tell people we've been together for a long time and still I haven't proposed. Niall even started teasing me about. But don't worry. Like I said, I will fix it soon. I just hope you're prepared for it," he finishes standing up from his seat and entering the kitchen. "You'll be very surprised," he winks.

Louis- "When [y/n] and I get married, we're not inviting any of you!" Louis yells at the guys who are speaking loudly from the back of the reception, "be quiet!" He reminds the lads to silence, trying to avoid disturbing any of the other guest.. "When you get married?" Niall repeats. "Did Louis just say the word marry?" Harry teases from behind. "Stop being jerks," Louis replies swinging an arm around your shoulder. "Man, it was about time you talked about settling with [y/n]," Niall says gently eyeing and winking at you. "You guys make everything so awkward," you playfully snap back. "She's pregnant isn't she?" Liam jokes, making an elderly lady turn around and glare at the group. "Would you mind? Please be quiet....and marry her already," she says the last part looking at Louis. He playfully punches Liam in the shoulder shaking his head.

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