(1D) He Proposes to You

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He Proposes to You

Niall: Niall called you this morning during hisbreak from recording and told you that he wanted to take you out for dinner, so you agreed. It was around 5:30 PM when he for home, “Hey, love. Let me change and we can go?” he said, before going up to your bedroom and changing. You had gotten ready earlier seeming as Niall already told you how to dress for the dinner. He came out not much longer and led you to the car. You wanted to ask questing as to where you guys were going and why you were both dressed up it you decided against it. You guys eventually got to the restaurant and there was paparazzi swarming the place. Niall had gotten you both in safely and unharmed. You guys ate dinner and everything was going good but then Niall became quiet right around the time he ordered his dessert. You decided it was nothing and you continued to finish up. “YN, I love you. You know that right?” “I love you too, Niall.” you said, a bit confused at why he bringing this up out of nowhere. “YN. I’ve loved you from the very start. Never have I doubted our love,” he said, getting out of his chair and getting on one knee in front of you. You got what was going on and tears welled up in your eyes. “I will love you until the very end. I promise, babe. Nothing will make me happier than to be able to have you be mine forever. What I’m trying to say is, YN YMN YLN will you marry me?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face. You didn’t trust your voice, so instead you nodded your head many, many times. He laughed and pulled you into his arms. He have you a kiss as he pulled away and placed the beautiful diamond ring on your finger. “I love you so much, beautiful. Thank you for excepting my proposal.” “I love you too, Niall. More than anything and I can’t wait to become Mrs. Horan.” You smiled and gave him another kiss. That night was one of the best nights of your life.

Zayn: You and Zayn had decided to take a small vacation while both of you had time off from work, which was really rare. Zayn didn’t tell you where he was taking you, he had been very secretive about the location and somehow he had managed for you not to find out until you guys arrived. The plane ride was excruciating, seeing as he wouldn’t tell you where you were or going or let you look out the window before landing. You got off the plane but you still couldn’t make out where you were, you guys were on your way to the hotel when Zayn told you to look out your window, and there you saw the Eiffle Tower. Paris was one of the places you had always dreamed of going and Zayn knew that. You thanked him a bunch of times, to which he said was no problem. Your week there with Zayn was incredible. As it was the last night in the “City of Love” Zayn decided to take you out for dinner and then to see the Effile Tower at night. After dinner you guys headed over to the Effile Tower, with security of course. You guys had been talking when all of a sudden Zayn stopped and got down on one knee, you thought he was tying his shoe… Until he pulled out a little box, looked you in the eyes, and began to speak. “I’ve loved you for a long time now. You’re the light that brightens up my world, YN. I’m happiest whenever I am around you and whenever I’m without you I feel incomplete. You’re the one that keeps me sane when my life becomes to hectic. I don’t know what I would do with out and I never want to find out. YN YLN, will you do me honor of becoming my wife and being mine forever?” he asked, still keeping eye contact. You nodded you head and said, “A million times yes, Zayn.” He put the ring on your finger and jumped up. He picked you up and spun you around. He placed you back down and gave you a long passionate kiss. “Thank you so much for saying yes, my love.” “Thank you for making me the luckiest girl in the world, Zayn. I love you so much.” You guys stayed at the tower for a whole before you guys decided to go back to the hotel room. The next morning pictures of his proposal were all over the media. You really didn’t mind what was being because all that matters is that you both love each other. Marriage is just another thing to prove how much you love each other to everyone else, even though you didn’t need to.

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