(5SOS) Meeting the One Direction Boys

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Meeting the One Direction Boys (Ashton and Calum)

Ashton: You were supposed to meet Ashton to watch him and the boys practice but you were late because your English professor kept the whole class back. You ran into the place Ashton told you they would be and crashed into someone right away. You tumbled down to the ground. “Oops?” you said laughing slightly at yourself looking over at Harry who was on the floor too he was laughing slightly too. “Hey you’re Harry! I’m y/n, Ashton’s, very late, girlfriend!” He smiled and helped you up “Great way to meet! Nice to finally get to see the girl Ash is always talking about though!” you chuckled slightly “Yeah sorry about that.” You said but he shook his head “It’s fine I was just teasing you!” you smiled “Do you mind showing me where I can wait until Ash and the boys get done with rehearsals?” “Yeah no problem. Come along! You can wait with me and the rest the band.” You followed him. “Hey boys! Look I found Ashton’s girlfriend!” Harry said to the rest of his band who were lounging in some room they all stood up “Hey! It’s the infamous y/n! Nice to meet you!” Niall said greeting you. They all hugged you and you all just sat and talked until Ashton and the boys came in after they were done rehearsing. “Hey Ash look who we found!” Ashton laughed slightly hugging you. You greeted the other boys like usual. “So we have made a unanimous decision that y/n is approved! And we’re going to steal her next time we’re bored while you guys rehears…”Louis spoke up and you laughed as Calum and Luke pulled you back hugging you “Nuh-uh y/n is ours! You can’t have her!” Calum said sticking his tongue out at Louis who did the same. Ashton laughed again and grabbed you throwing you over his shoulder and running away “Miiiiiiine!” he yelled over his shoulder as you squealed and kicked. The rest of the boys chased you down the hall it was safe to say they liked you.

Calum: Calum had just finished a show and he had gone outside to meet some fans who couldn’t get in but he left his jacket so you volunteered to go get it for him. You opened the door to his dressing room only to be pelted with water balloons. “WHAT THE HELL?!” you screamed “CIVILIAN CEASE FIRE!” you heard a British accent yell back and the balloon assault stopped. You looked up to see the boys of one direction looking scared children who just broke their mother’s favorite china. “Wait you’re not Calum? Who are you?” Niall said confused but Zayn slapped him in the arm as if to say shut up. “You must be Calum’s girlfriend aren’t you?” Zayn said as he nervously laughed. Harry got up to get you a towel “Yeah that would be me …” you mumbled trying to get all the remains of the balloons off of you as Harry returned with a towel. You took it “Thanks” the boys all looked at each other waiting for something to happen. You noticed and looked up “What?” Liam spoke up “It’s just…you’re not mad? Not even a little?” you shook your head “Nah it’s cool you were trying to get Cal not me.” That’s when Calum walked in “Hey y/n what happened you were suppose-“he stopped and looked at then the boys. “What did I miss?” you laughed “Just me getting attacked by water balloons clearly meant for you.” Calum laughed too “They all seem so scared of you! You do realize we pull pranks on each other all the time? She won’t bite.” “Unless you’re into that.” You said and now the boys laughed loosening up a bit. Calum walked in and grabbed an extra shirt he had in case he got sweaty and handed it to you. “Here this should be long enough to cover the wet marks on your jeans.” You took them and pecked his lips going to go get changed. “She’s so … you” Niall mumbled and you poked your head in the room once more “Oh and by the way, I will get you back.” You smiled leaving them to think about what you said

(Tumblr. It only had Ashton and Calum. Sorry)

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