(1D) Miscarriage

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Harry: Soft sobs left your lips as your reached your phone and dialed his number. Please answer, please answer, please answer, you chanted in your head as the back of your hand involuntarily wiped the tears off your cheeks. “Hi babe!” a happy British accent suddenly exclaimed, making you take in a sharp breath. You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t ruin his next show completely. “H-harry,” you managed a single word out of your lips, but then broke down into sobs. “Y/N? You feeling okay?” he asked, a sudden tone of worry in his words. “I-I’m sorry,” you whispered, loud enough so he could hear. “The-the baby. I-it’s gone, Harry. I’m s-s-so sorry.” A piercing silence suddenly filled the air, making you feel ever guiltier. Then, a sob left his own lips, causing your heart to stop. “Harry-” “I’m coming home, Y/N. Don’t worry. We’ll get through this. We can try again,” he reassured. “That’s the thing, though. What if I lose the other one? I can’t go through this pain again,” you replied. He let out a frustrated sigh. “Please don’t say that. We both want a kid, and we’ll get a kid, trust me.”

Niall: The ride back home was completely silent. Niall’s hand gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white. The car parked right in frond of your house, and without a word, you quickly got off and ran inside. “Princess…” Niall called behind you, but you couldn’t stop. Once inside your room, you banged the door closed and locked it, falling to the ground while crying out your feelings. You heard a sudden soft knock behind you, followed by a “Y/N? Please open up.” You sobbed harder into your sweater. “Go away!” you cried out. Niall sighed and slid down the door, his hands locked together around his knees. “Babe, I lost the baby as well. And I feel like shit. But c’mon, we can´t get through this alone. We need each other,” he said through the door. “You-you don’t understand,” you began. “I feel like I’m the one to blame cause we lost the baby. I-I must’ve done something wrong, but I swear, Niall, I’m the one to-” He groaned sterssfully, making you stop talking. “Don’t you dare blame this on you. You did nothing wrong; this sin’t your fault. We’ll try again and again, even if it has to be 100 times. We’ll start that family of your dreams, Y/N. I promise.”

Louis: He turned to face you in bed, peacefully closing his eyes to fall asleep once again. Peacefully, that was, until he felt a small puddle forming right at the bottom of his foot. He took the covers off and examined it, his eyes widening as he noticed it was blood. “What the… did I cut myself?” he whispered to himself softly. He shook it off and was about to stand up when he noticed the same puddle forming right at your own feet. His eyes widened even more when reality hit him. “Y/N? Wake up, babe,” he said softly, shaking your shoulder a bit. “Hmph- what,” you replied groggily. “You’re not supposed to get your period while you’re pregnant, right?” he questioned, starting to feel a bit worried. “No, why- oh, shit,” you said, quickly standing up and running to the bathroom. Louis stood up and followed with a look of pure worry on his face. “No, please, no, no, no, no, NO!” you said through the door, sitting on the toilet trying not to make a mess of everything. He choked on his own tears as he heard your loud sobs coming from his bathroom. “My baby, our baby… This can’t be happening,” you chanted. He sighed and leaned against the door, a silent tear cascading down his cheek.

Liam: A look of worry cam upon the doctor’s face as he looked at the screen, eyes pure with concentration. You looked at Liam, who had his eyebrows furrowed and kept starring at the screen. “I-is everything okay?” you suddenly asked, breaking completely the silence. The doctor cleared his throat. “Uh… Mr. and Mrs. Payne, I’m afraid you’ve had a miscarriage. We cannot find the baby’s heartbeat.” Liam’s jaw dropped, denying the fact that your baby was gone. “I’ll leave you two alone,” the doctor said, standing up and walking out of the room without a word.. You sat up and fixed your shirt, looking at Liam. His hands were now playing with loose strings of his pants, eyes locked to the floor. He sniffed as you saw a tear streaming down his face. “Oh, Li,” you comforted, rubbing circles in his back. Tears began escaping your own eyes, hating to see the way your husband completely breaking. He stood up abruptly and ran his hands through his hair. “Whe-where did we go wrong, Y/N?” he asked as he came forward to kiss you. Lips connecting with yours, he softly said into your ear. “We’ll try again. We will. We’ll be parents in the future, baby.”

Zayn: He sat on the floor of the baby’s nursery, his face expressionless. On his hands was a little stuffed elephant, as he twirled it around and looked at it with pure fury. You were currently in the hospital with your family, since you had given birth to your baby boy two months early. Devastatingly, he had passed away in the birthing process. Now, Zayn was starring at the blue painted walls, with absolutely no idea what to do. He had literally just lost his treasure. He angrily shoved the stuffed toy aside and put his head on his hands, now sobbing hard against them. All he wanted to do was hold his baby in his arms, that’s all he ever hoped for. And now he couldn’t even stand seeing, since he knew he would break down crying right when he saw your own teary-eyed face. Sick. That’s how he felt. No, even worse. Intoxicated. He knew he would be scarred for life. He didn’t even know if he could even try for another baby. That was the first one, the most important one, the most special one. More tears started streaming down his face as he remembered the day you told him you were pregnant. He was so cheerful. Happy. And now here he was, breaking down on the floor. 

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