(1D) You Kiss Him Unexpectedly

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You Kiss Him Unexpectedly

Liam- "And then we told him he was off key and he wouldn't listen," Liam goes on rambling about his tough day at the studio with the lads. You try so hard to pay attention but the movements of his lips were getting irresistible. You hold your grip harder around the arm of the couch or find some kind of distraction to try not to launch at him, but you cannot hold back. "Fortunately he didn't get to up-" You cut him off pressing your lips against his own and your hands slowly making their way up to hold his jaw. "What was that for? You weren't even listening were you?" He asks as he pulls back with a large grin playing on his face.

Zayn- He walks from one side of the living room to the other and back. Venting to you on how upset he was of the guy trying to hit on you back at the nightc

lub. "This is why I never want to go out," he says removing his jacket in a rather loud voice. His eyes are dark and narrow and his fist is clenched. You try to listen but that angry look on his face only turns you on even more. "Did you see how he looked-" You cut him off not able to control yourself any longer. "Zayn, shut up and just kiss me," you sooth him out your gentle hands placed on top his chest allowing you to feel his chest rise and lower uncontrollably.

Niall- You wait outside the airport gates waiting for the mob of girls to scream signaling his arrival. "They're here!" You hear one of them yell. You look down the hall and your gaze catches a blonde boy from afar with four others behind trying to catch up to him. You can't help to giggle at how confused he is turning his head everywhere looking for you. And then he sees you, dropping his bags and running towards you. You jump into his arms holding on to your dear life. He pulls back ready to confess how terrible he has been without and how he misses you and most importantly how much he loves. "I love-," he begins but before he goes any further, you pull him back for a kiss. "I love you, too."

Harry- It is now Friday and the fights have not stopped ever since the week started. Either he was late for dinner, you had a girls night out, or both of you just bugged the last hair out of yourself. You now sit with him at the small secluded café outside town. "It's nice," he says almost above whisper breaking the awkward silence in between you two. You nod your head in agreement and reach for his hand from under the table. "I'm sorry," you apologize after reviewing the week worth of arguments and disagreements. His head lowers and he shakes his head in embarrassment. "Non-sense. I should be the one apologizing. But we're not perfect and it's not that bad. It's good to be bad. I love that every time we fight-" you cut him off leaning to press your lips on his. Everything else forgotten.

Louis- "And if I don't pick up my clothes what are you going to do?" Louis teases from his place on the couch. "I will personally go to you and, and... and kiss you!" You yell into the open air laughing at your lousy threat. "Oooh. I am so scared," he yells sarcastically teasing you even further. "Look at me. My name is [y/n] and I am going to attack my boyfriend with ki-," you cut him off pushing him down further into the couch and straddling his lap. "Huh, I should do this more often," he breaks away giving you a flirty smile.


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