(1D) Flight Delay

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Flight Delay

Harry: You exit the plane with a smile to the flight attendant at the door. You make your way down the hall, excited and overjoyed because this small layover in New York is the only thing standing between you and your curly haired lover waiting for you in Atlanta. Once you enter the terminal you need, you glance up at the arrival/departure board and your heart drops. “United 275 to New York: Delayed” flashes above you and everything in you sinks. “Excuse me, why is the New York flight delayed?” You question the hostess and she sighs before glancing up at you and pointing behind her. That’s when you finally notice the torrential downpour happening on the tarmac and you groan. “When will we be leaving?” You question. “When this is done,” she finalizes, turning her back to you so you ask no more questions. “Hey baby, only two more hours!” Harry’s excited voice greets and you give a small smile. “Not exactly… my flight’s been delayed” you confess, leaning against the pillar behind you as the other passenger’s mill about their business. “Delayed… for how long?” He questions and you can hear the sadness in his voice but there’s nothing you can do. “Until the monsoon outside decides to stop ruining my life,” you offer in hopes of hearing a chuckle from the other end but you are disappointed. “I… baby, I just want you to get here now. This blows” Harry confesses and you couldn’t feel worse than if you had been the reason to miss the flight. “I know it does Haz, I’m sorry,” you sigh softly and he reciprocates the gesture. “Well, let me know when you’re supposed to fly. If it’s not going to be tonight then we’ll have to redirect you to Florida,” Harry reminds you and you smile. “I know… I love you” you whisper, a smile pulling at your lips as he repeats the sentiment. “@harrystyles: and a big shout out to the monsoon keeping @y/t/n in New York #YoureDrunkGoHome”

Liam: “Well… brightside is, we didn’t miss the flight,” you offer with a hopeful smile towards Liam. “Not now,” he groans, turning his back to you before he stalks off towards the bar. You stand there for a moment, watching as he weaves through the crowd before you sigh. You hadn’t meant to be late but it took a long time to pack your toiletries after you used them that morning. Besides, it wasn’t as if you were late. Your flight got delayed, that wasn’t your fault. However, Liam would of course blame you because “if you would do these things sooner we’d be on time for stuff.” You find him at the bar, glaring at the beer in his hand and you bite your lip nervously. “Who’s winning?” you question, standing at his back and he barely turns to look over his shoulder at you. “You and the bottle, who’s winning the staring contest?” you question, gesturing to the tight hold he has on the bottle and he snorts before tipping the rest of the beer against his lips and swallows. “The flight delay isn’t my fault you know,” you state, watching as he tosses some bills on the bar before he leads you through the crowd back to the terminal. “We would’ve known that earlier had you not taken ten years in the bathroom this morning,” he snaps giving you a pointed glare and you shrug. “Well, we didn’t and I did. Deal with it Liam, it takes me forever to get ready. This is the only time we’ve been not on your schedule but we didn’t miss our flight so, chill out” you snap, poking him in the chest with your finger before you storm off. “Bit of advice mate, you’ll always be waiting on a woman. Might as well get used to that now,” an older man tells him with a smile, patting Liam on the shoulder before he takes a seat with his wife. Liam glances to your position by the window, watching the planes as the land and take off and he sighs. He presses a kiss to the back of your head, nudging your temple with his nose in an apology and you relax against him. “It could be worse,” he finally agrees and you chuckle while leaning back against him and you both wait.

Niall: It’s entirely too early to be awake, you decide as you sit outside the terminal in Dublin. You’d caught the red eye to New York but the plane had to make an emergency landing in Dublin. The airline had put you on another plane scheduled to fly out of Dublin for New York at eight a.m. “All flights have been canceled due to inclement weather,” the loud speaker announces and you panic. “When can I get out of here? I have to be in New York,” you plead with the hostess but she gives you a small smile and tells you there’s nothing she can do. “I haven’t seen my boyfriend in three months,” you cry softly, pushing tears off your cheeks and she gives you a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry dear but there’s nothing I can do about the weather. As soon as it clears up we’ll get you in the air and headed for New York,” she assures you and you groan but nod. “I just want to go to New York Niall and now I’m stuck here for who knows how long!” You exclaim, waiting outside for a taxi. “Fuck… I knew this would happen, I knew it! Something like this always happens when you’re supposed to fly to me,” Niall complains and you can imagine that he’s tugging at the strands of his blonde hair in frustration. “Niall… your brother’s here,” you stutter, giving Greg a strange look as he hurries around the car towards you. “Heard about the weather, figured you’d do better at home with family than at a crowded hotel,” he offers, taking your carry on before shielding your from the winter snow storm with his arm. “Has Greg got you? Let me talk with him,” Niall demands and you pass Greg that phone as he pulls out onto the road. “Yeah, yeah… she’ll be fine. If it’s not snowing in the morning I’ll bring her back here so she can get to you… no worries little brother, she’s as good as family,” Greg assures Niall, giving you a nod before passing you the phone. You lean back against the headrest with a smile because that’s easily the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about you.

Louis: You sit on a couch in the private longue of Heathrow, your legs resting on Louis’s lap as they had been for a while now. “When do you think we’ll get to leave?” You question, neither one of you looking away from your iPhone games. “Who fucking knows,” Louis responds, high levels of annoyance in his tone. You chuckle and match your final group of candy before failing yet another level of Candy Crush. You sigh and set your phone down on the carry-on sitting beside you in the floor. “What else is there to do in here I am bored out of my mind,” you whine, not exactly helping the mood the two of you had succumbed to. Louis shrugs, still concentrating on the high score he was about to achieve. “Let’s go walk around,” you suggest, feeling the need of a change of scenery. “You want to go walk around Heathrow?” He repeats, not amused by your question. “Yeah.” “No.” “But why not?! There isn’t anything to do.” “Well walking around this airport is not something to do.” You scoff and get up from the couch you had been sat on. “Where are you going?” Louis asks, his eyes still not leaving the small screen in front of him. “I’m going to go walk around. Lord only knows how long it will take for it to stop storming in Madrid.” He falls silent, deciding not to protest your explanation. You step out of the longue and into the very busy airport. You make your way through the shops picking up magazines, books, and other little trinkets you thought you couldn’t live without. “What?” You question, answering your phone after letting it buzz a few more times than usual. “You’ve been gone for over an hour,” Louis whines. “And? There’s nothing else to do.” “Please come back.” “Did you use up all of your lives on Candy Crush?” You question, knowing he must have run out of playing time if he was asking you to come back to keep him company. “Just come back.” “I’ll be back when I’m finished.” He scoffs and you hang up. This was not the best way to start off a holiday.

Zayn: “You’ve got to be kidding me,” you groan as you look up at the list of departing flights. “Excuse me,” you begin, getting the attention of the man at the kiosk. “Are there any other options for flights to Detroit? I have to be there for a show that starts in 11 hours.” The man looks through his computer and of course comes up with nothing. “I’m sorry but that’s the only flight we have going to Detroit but as you can see no one is going anywhere for a while, that storm is here to stay.” His explanation only caused frustration. “Of course. On the one day I need to be there.” “What show if you don’t mind me asking?” “My boyfriend. He’s playing in Ann Arbor at Michigan Stadium and I really wanted to be there. It’s the largest stadium in the States.” “Well hopefully it will clear up soon.” “Yeah.” You walk away from the desk slowly, defeated, not knowing what to do. With the way the storm looked there was no way you were going to make it over in time to see Zayn’s show. You had to call him. You find an empty seat in the Detroit terminal and pull your phone out from your back pocket. After a few rings he finally picks up. “Hey babe,” he answers, disappointment in his voice. “Shouldn’t you be on your flight?” “That’s why I’m calling.” “Oh.” His tone was heartbreaking. “There is a huge storm happening right now and all of the flights have been delayed until it passes.” Silence falls over the line. “I’m so sorry babe. I really wanted to be there but I can’t control the weather.” “Yeah I know, but I really wanted you to be here for this one.” “I know you did and trust me it kills me that I am going to miss it. As soon as this clears though I will find a flight to Chicago for the next show alright?” “Okay,” he says, still disappointed. “I love you,” you say hopelessly. You felt so powerless and hated how much this was hurting Zayn. “I love you too.” “I will see you tomorrow hopefully.” “Yeah, hopefully.” You sigh and end the call, your heart breaking as you return to the kiosk to exchange your destination. 


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