(1D) The Boys meet your Newborn

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The Boys meet your Newborn

Liam: You were exhausted from the hours of intense labor and pain, but you wouldn’t dare sleep now. Not when you and Liam finally had your little girl besides you. Both yours and his families had already met her, and the only people left were the boys. Liam cracked open the door, and smiled when he saw you admiring your daughter, “Ready to let her meet her uncles?” You smiled and nodded as they filed into the room. Louis held her first, “She’s so tiny and cute! She looks nothing like you, Liam!” You laughed, “I know, thank god she looks like me, right?” “Can I hold her?” Niall shyly asked. Liam nodded, as Louis handed him your daughter. “Careful, Horan. You break my daughter, you die.” Niall smiled, “I won’t hurt her. She’s my little niece.” Harry nodded, “Yeah, if you don’t spoil her. We will.” Liam looked over at you and then your baby, and smiled, “I think I’m going to spoil her so much that it’ll annoy her.” Niall cooed when her little eyes fluttered open and she smiled a bit, “Okay. It’s official. I’m her god-father.” Liam kissed her little forehead, “Hi, angel. Say hi to these freaks you’ll call uncles.” 

Niall: You were already home, resting, while Niall was admiring your daughter, and singing songs to her, “Here is the place where dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true, here is the place where I love you.” There was a light knock at the front door that quickly turned into banging causing Niall to run over and open it. “What the hell, boys? I have a baby over there.” Harry walked in with the rest of the boys trailing behind, “We came with gifts for our baby.” Niall cocked his brow, “Our baby?” Louis nodded, “We all agreed that since she’s now apart of the family, she belongs to all of us.” Niall smiled, “Come on, she’s over here.” They walked over to the little pink crib just as she started to cry. Niall gingerly picked her up, “Come on, princess. Please be quiet so Mummy can sleep.” When that didn’t work, he handed her over to Louis so he could make her a bottle. Once Niall left, she started wailing even more, “Oi. She can really hit those high notes. Let’s replace Niall with her.” Louis handed her over to Zayn, “Guess I’m not the favorite dad..” When Niall came back, he noticed his little girl was back asleep in Uncle Zayn’s arms. With her looking so content with Zayn, a pang of jealously shot through him, “Okay, Zayn, hand me back my baby. Go make your own.”

Zayn: Liam poked his head through the door, “Can we see him?”  You smiled and nodded; you were excited for everyone to meet your baby boy. Zayn was sitting next to you while gently rubbing the baby’s cheek. “Look at the cute family,” Harry commented once they all came in. “Wanna hold him?” You asked Louis who eagerly nodded. When your baby opened his eyes, the boys crowded around him, and once the baby saw Harry, he started to cry. “Aw. It’s okay,” Louis consoled, “I do the same thing when I see Harry too.” Zayn laughed, “Can I have my kid back?” He quieted down as soon as he was back with Zayn, “Let’s make him the secret sixth member, yeah?” Niall suggested. You smiled, “Oh god. If my son has tattoos before the age of 2, I will murder you all.” “He’s so adorable,” Liam added, “Do you guys think he’s going to look like (Y/N) or Zayn?” “Either way, he’s going to end up looking beautiful so it doesn’t really matter,” Louis said. You smiled. The boys loved your son almost as much as you and Zayn did. Harry took your son in his arms, and started walking towards the door. You frowned, “Harry, where are you going?” “What does it look like? I’m taking home my new son,” he shouted halfway out the door.

Harry: "Mommy! Mommy!" Your daughter, Dylan, burst through the door of your room and ran to your bedside, "Uncle Louis said that my sister is here! Can I see her?" You nodded, taking your newborn into your arms as the boys walked in. "Congratulations on popping another one out, (Y/N)!" You laughed, "Thanks. I’m excited to have another daughter." Dylan was gently rubbing her sister’s hand when Harry walked in, "Aw. Look at my 3 favorite girls. Hi, sweetie." Dylan bounded over to Harry, "Daddy! Uncle Niall said my sister was made from something called sex. What does that mean?" Your jaw dropped, "I’m never letting you around my kids every again, Niall!" Liam laughed, "Dylan, it’s when dads and mums kiss and the dad gives something called sperm to the mum, and a baby is made." "Okay, no more questions," Harry sighed. Louis took your newborn out of your arms, "She’s gonna look exactly like you, (Y/N). ‘Cause god knows we don’t need another Harry in the world." The other boys nodded, "Yeah, Harry looks like a butt." Dylan laughed, "Daddy’s a buttface!" Your newborn’s lips curled into a smile, and she opened her eyes causing everyone to laugh, "I think she agrees that her dad is ugly."

Louis: Louis was on the hospital bed with you when they boys walked in to greet your two newborns. You both were beyond happy with your twins, one boy and one girl. “Hi, (Y/N)!” the boys cheered, “Can we meet them?” You smiled, handing your son over to Liam. You looked over at your daughter, who already had Louis wrapped around her tiny finger, “Louis?” Louis looked up, startled, “Oh, hey. When did you guys get here?” “When (Y/N) was giving birth. We saw everything,” Niall rolled his eyes, “You’re really attached, aren’t ya’?” Louis smiled and nodded, “They’re mine. A mini-me and mini-(Y/N). Aren’t they the cutest?” Liam nodded then groaned, “Oh god. Two little Tomlinsons. One is hard enough to keep up with.” Louis shrugged, “Well, my kids are going to better than all of yours so shut up. He’s going to be a footballer, she’s going to be a ballet dancer.” “What if it’s the other way around?” Harry asked. “Still better than your kids, Styles.” Louis took your son and placed him next to your daughter, and just stared at them. “Louis, what are you doing?” Zayn asked. When he didn’t say anything, Niall reached out to him, causing Louis to smack his hand, “Don’t touch my kids!” Niall rubbed his hand, “Damn… I feel bad for them. Their dad is a psycho.”

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