Louis Superhero AU

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"Are you kidding me Jake? This is the last time I’m dealing with your shit! We are so over! Fuck you!" You stormed out of your apartment after catching your boyfriend in bed with a skank. He didn’t try to go after you and that pissed you off even more. It had happened once before, but he promised it was a mistake. But seeing him there made you realize how much of a lying sleaze he was. Tears were flowing down your face like a waterfall, but you kept walking down the street. Your feet didn’t stop even if you would force them to. It was ten at night, you had just gotten home from work when you found him in the bed that you both shared. Your heart raced from the pain you felt, a feeling in the pit of you stomach that you wanted to throw up. As you walked past a group of people, they began to stare as you sobbed. But that didn’t stop you from walking. You walked so fast that you had to have been at least a mile away from your apartment. Right now, you were in the heart of down town, people were scattered everywhere, some drunk, some just walking into a club or bar. You stopped at the edge of a building to straighten yourself out and wipe the tears from your cheeks. There was a bar right across the street, that you felt was a perfect place to let your tears drown at the bottom of a bottle. Pedestrians had the walk sign so you began to cross the street, not really paying attention. There was a loud honk of a car horn, making your head shoot up and look to your right seeing headlights. To your surprise, what looked like ice shot out of nowhere, landing on the street making the car swerve. There were fast paced footsteps and you soon felt a body crash into you, pushing you away from where the car was swerving. You screamed as you it the pavement, hard, watching as the car drove past. You weren’t dead, but your shoulder was killing you. "What the hell?!" You yelled at the person who was still half on top of you. He looked up, revealing his beautiful grey-blue eyes. "Sorry, are you alright?" He said, shuffling to stand up and held out a hand to you. You took it, being easily pulled up by the stranger. By now, bystanders were watching you both. You looked around noticing that the ice was still on the street. Almost as if on cue, the man held out his hand and you watched with wide eyes as the ice soon melted and turned into water, trickling down the street. "What the.." "Sorry again, didn’t mean to scare you. But you have to watch where you going next time! That car nearly hit you!" He exclaimed. You noticed now that he was wearing a blue, suit, almost matching his eye color. "What are you?" You asked above a whisper. There was a pain in you shoulder that you felt suddenly, making you wince. "Ouch.." You took your hand and moved your shirt off your shoulder, seeing it was bleeding a bit. "Oh, lets go get that looked at." The strange man said taking your hand, making you follow him. "Wait!" You pulled away, "I’m not going anywhere with you until I know what the hell you are?!" You yelled, earning a chuckle to pass his lips. "I’m Louis, and I can control water. Ya know like make stuff turn to ice, turn ice into water. Some people call me the ’Ice Man’. But I’d much prefer to be called Louis." "Okay, yeah your crazy." You quickly turned away from him. Hearing those fast paced footsteps again, he jumped in front of you. "No, I’m serious! Look your hurt, let me take care of you.." He looked at you sincerely through his lashes. You sighed as a response, "Alright…" You said just above a whisper letting him lead you the opposite way. Only walking to the next block when he took out into the building that stood on the corner. He lead you up the small staircase and into a small apartment. The whole time you didn’t say a word, to nervous to speak. "Here, sit down. I’ll get a rag to wipe the blood off." There was a small line of blood that trickled down your arm a bit, staining your long sleeve shirt. "Thanks." You mumbled as he handed you the rag, "wait it’s dry?" "I know, here watch." He adverted your attention to the glass of water he brought in as well. You watched in awe as he manipulated the water to move out of the cup and fill up the rag, making it damp. "Holy shit!" You exclaimed, making Louis chuckle. "I know right. Pretty cool, if you ask me." He smirked, you could notice a mischievous glint in his eyes. His soft but muscular hand placed the rag on your shoulder, making you flinch and hiss in pain. "Sorry" Louis muttered. "It’s okay. I’m Y/N by the way." You said, placing your lips in a shy grin. "Why were you walking all alone at this time of night? If you don’t mind me asking.." "Um well to tell you the truth, I just broke up with my boyfriend and needed to blow off some steam. He’s such and asshole." You trailed off, but Louis caught it, laughing at your remark. "What did he do?" "He cheated on me!" "That bastard! Why would anyone cheat on a beautiful girl like you?" He smirked at you making you giggle, watching as he dabbed the last few blood drops away. "You don’t even know me." You said in a whisper looking down at your legs. "But I’d like to.." He brought his index finger under your chin, tilting your head up, your eyes meeting his heart wrenching orbs. Louis began leaning in slightly, you not expecting this to happen, but his lips softly colliding with yours. After a few moments you pulled away looking at him with wide eyes. "Uh, what was that for?" "I just think your really beautiful." He complied, making you blush. "Can I use your phone?" "Sure." He reaches in his pocket pulling out his iPhone. You tried calling your friend but there was no answer. "Shit." You muttered. "What is it?" "I kind of have no where to sleep tonight…" "Here, you can stay here tonight." "With you?" "Oh c’mon Y/N this isn’t 1950, a girl and a guy can have a harmless sleepover as friends can’t they? You can have the bed and I’ll take the couch." "No, really it’s okay I’ll sleep on your couch-" "Ah-ah-ah, I insist." He joked wagging a finger at you. "Thank you Louis, for saving my life." "No problem Y/N."

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