(5SOS) Try Hard

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Try Hard 

Ashton: She’s so out of reach, and I’m finding it hard
'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I’m trying too hard

"You’re trying too hard," Michael said sounding very bored. "Look in that mirror. Now is that Ashton Irwin? Really?"

  “Shut up. I look good and I bet (Y/N) would agree. Besides her last two boyfriends dressed like this.”

"It’s creepy that you know that," Calum chimed in.

"Take off the jacket," Luke said with his hand held out.

"No! Do you know how much this costs?"

"Take off the jacket, Ash," Calum said before going back to his phone. "You look like a dick."

"Take off the jacket," Michael said trying to rip it off of Ashton who took off down the hall with the other three behind him.

"Just take it off!"
"I’ll burn that damn thing!"

"Fuck off," Ashton yelled and knocked you over as he ran from Calum’s grasp. "Oh-"

"Your mom let me in, Michael." you explain. "I was going to ask if you wanted to see a show in the city later. Oh and Ashton, you should take off that jacket. You look like an ass."

Calum: I play guitar but she’s into drummers

He stood on stage giving the best performance he could for such a small venue and for you. You’re his unrequited dream and his muse, but he could never tell you that.

He watched every move you made closely and the smile on your face excited him. He could feel his heart skip a beat as you smiled in his direction. Calum was going to finally make a move after the show. That is until he happened to glance behind at Ashton who smiled back to you and give you a little head nod when you waved. He almost stopped playing in that moment out of defeat, but he continued on.

Luke: I pierced my lip so she thinks I’m cool,
I ripped my jeans and I dropped out of school,
I followed her around the town but she thinks that I’m a weirdo now

The whole group’s eyes widened as  Luke walked in. Michael spoke first. “Your mum is going to kill you.”

"I’m quite aware. As if she wasn’t pissed enough when I told her I was dropping out."

"And when you ripped those brand new jeans she bought you," Calum added.

"And when she finds out this is all because of a girl…" Ashton trailed o off.

"A girl that thinks I’m a freak. I ended up following around town because I was going to talk to her finally and couldn’t do it."

"She said, and I quote, ‘What the fuck is that kid following us for?’," Michael added.

"I hate everything."

"Luke, it’s not that serious."

"No. Really. I hate everything."

Michael: She’s 17 I’ve told her I’m 20

"I’m such a fucking moron," Michael sang as he walked into the dressing to find Harry, Luke, Niall, Calum, and Ashton.

"Well, we already knew that," Calum joked.

"What’s wrong, Mikey," joked Niall.

"Do you know old (Y/N) is?"

"Like, um, twenty something or other, right," Harry spoke slowly as usual.

"No, she’s seventeen. Can you believe that? Seventeen!"

"Um…Michael, you’re seventeen too… remember," Asked Ashton. 

"No, Ashton, I fucking told her I’m twenty. What kind of dickhead does that? Ugh! I’m so stupid. I’m trying way too hard to get this girl and it’s making me fucking mental."

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