(1D) Fight

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Zayn: One....two...three...four. You counted the puffs of toxic gas that passed you face. Your tried your best not to breathe it in but you had to breathe at some point. You hated that your boyfriend, Zayn, smoked but everytime you tried to convince him to stop he would get angry and defensive. You hated everything about cigarettes and smokers. You didn't understand why people did it. But for some reason Zayn had stolen your heart anyways. But now you were in a toxic relationship, literally. "Zayn, can you please not smoke right now?" you asked. "or ever..." you mumbled that last part under your breath. Zayn sighed, but didn't put down the cigarette. Instead he just ignored you. "Hello??" you waved your hands in front of his face. He just kept watching the TV in front of you both. A few moments later he grunted then got up. You heard shuffling in your guys' room and then Zayn came down with 3 boxes labelled "Clothes" and "other things". You sprung up from your spot on the couch and ran over to him. "Y-you're leaving me?" you said with a shaky voice, tears already forming in your eyes. "Please, Zaynie I'm so sorry!" You pleaded. You then looked down and saw the contents of the boxes. Jewelry...makeup....and things way too small for zayn to wear. Realization hit you and you began to sob and shake more. All he did was sigh and walk away as he said "Get out of my sight." You got on your knees and cried for a good 3 minutes before you finally got your things and walked towards the door. Zayn was back in his spot on the couch. You looked back one more time before you left the house and all you could see was a big puff of smoke, reminding you of why you're now alone. You turned around and closed the door. You walked down the long street not knowing where you will go now.

Niall: "(Y/N) please listen to me! It wasn't my fault, she basically attacked me!" Niall tried to convince you once again that him cheating was not intentional, but you weren't going to cave in so easy. This time a girl much prettier than you flirted with Niall and he seemeed to like it. It usually didn't phase you because fans do that a lot, but this time Niall took it too far. He leaned and so did she... it was awful. You quickly ran away with tears in your eyes. "(Y/N) come on don't be like this!" "Don't be like this, Niall?" you yelled. "You cheated on me and you know it. There were witnesses, too. That was the most embarrasing moment of my life and I wont stand for it." You huffed and Niall hung his head in regret. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled. "Sorry?" you ask. He looks up hopefully at you. You scowled. "Yeah, well sorry doesn't mean anything if you're just gonna repeat you actions. And I get the feeling you will." Niall's face instantly fell. He let out a long sigh knowing that nothing he could say would change your mind. A few tears slowly rolled down his cheek and you sorta felt sorry for him, until you remembered everything he just did. "I'm gonna go..." you trailed off. You didn't really want to tell him where you were going but a little part of you wanted him to come find you. "Where are you going?" he yelled as you walked away. "It doesn't matter you say and with that you were on your way to Liam's house

Harry: Where is he? You wondered. Harry had a busy schedule and you understood that, but it was already 2:00 in the morning and you couldn't sleep. He gets home late a lot but tonight it was strange. He would ususally text you saying where he was. he was always either finishing up vocals or recordings or at one of the other boys' homes.You've probably called and texted him over 50 times before you heard a door burst open and someone grumble.You figured it was Harry so you sat up and waited for him to come in. He stomped up the stairs and swung open the door. He was so obviously drunk, so you didn't say anything. You knew how Harry got when he was drunk; he would get extremely angry and make a mess. He plopped in to bed rightnext to you and let out a loud sigh. "Goodnight Harry" you said. You figured you shouldn't ask him where he was til tomorrow. He started to giggle then he leaned into your ear and whispered, "I found a new girl...she's way better than (Y/N) and she's soooo much prettier" He slurred. "Shh...don't tell (Y/N)." you couldn't believe what you were hearing. You gently got up and walked to the closet you shared with Harry. You still couldn't believe it because he was drunk but then again, drunk people always let secrets slip without even knowing. You packed most of your clothes and some other things with tears blurring your vision the whole time. You couldn't see because of that and you accidentally grabbed one of Harry's favortie shirts. You wrote a note down for him, not caring if the paper was stained with tears. The note read "I hope she treats you better than I did. Goodbye Harry. I never want to see you again." You picked up your things and ran. You just kept running. You ended up at Zayn's house and asked him if you could stay there. He accepted you with open arms.

Liam: " Liam can you please stop watching TV and maybe help me clean up for once?" You yelled, very annoyed with him right now. The boys had came over yesterday and of course thay made a mess and of course the small apartment was trashed. He never helps you clean at all and you were sick of it. He stil didn't get up so you walked over to the remote and turned off the TV. He sprung up and snatched the remote out of your hand. "I was watching that!" he yelled. "Well, I need help cleaning." You said. He huffed and looked at you very annoyed. "Why do you always have to be so bitchy..." he mumbled as he sat back down and turned the TV back on. Okay that was the last straw. With tears filling up in your eyes you quickly cocked your arm back and slapped him right across his right cheek with all the power you had in you. He hissed and lightly touched his cheek before looking up at you like you were insane. "Liam, everything I do is for you, and this is the thanks I get? You never help around the house and you're so sloppy that by the time you're done doing whatever the hell you were doing, the place looks like a pigsty. Just show me some respect please and help out a little. I don't care if I'm being bitchy I'm just not in the mood to fight with you right now. Get up right now and help me clean, mister." You said with authority. "Mister?" he mocked. "I'm not your son and I don't need a girl to tell me what to do." the moment he said that his face was filled with regret. He looked like he was going to say something by you cut in with tears blurring your vision. "Well.. if you don't want to live here and respect me, I would force you to pack up your shit and get out of my face...but I'm a girl, so apparently I don't deserve that respect," you started. "No (Y/N) I-" "so since I can't tell you to do something, I suggest that you pack your shit and leave. Goodbye Liam." you said, tears rushing down your face. "(Y/N) please...I'm sorry!" Liam was practically whailing by now. You gave him a very angered look and he got the hint. He slowly turned around and went to pack his things, while you got back to cleaning. 30 minutes later he came back downstairs and looked at you. "Goodbye (Y/N)" he said. You didn't answer. He sighed and walked out of the apartment.

Louis: "(Y/N!!!!" you heard Louis call for the 10th time this morning. He was being especially needy today and asked you for ridiculous things like a piece of candy or his phone charger. Things that he could get just as easily. He was always so needy but you were sick of it by now. He would constantly bother you for stupid things and give you nothing in return. You walked into his room once again. "Yes, bear?" you said to him. That was his nickname and you wear used to calling him that. You had to admit he was very cuddly, just like a bear. "Can you pull the blanket down I'm hot" he said. You could not believe he was really being that lazy right now. Sure he just got off tour and everything but he could definetely take the blanket off himself. "No." you said firmly. He, of course, brought out the puppy dog face that you used to fall for everytime. Now it was just getting old."No." you repeated. "Bitch..." he mumbled under his breath. What was he talking about? You do everything for him. You walked up to him and looked him dead in the eye. "What did you just say? Say it again, louder. I dare you." you said, still looking at him dead in the eye. "No..." he grumbled. "make me some tea, now." That was the last straw. You turned around and stomped downstairs. Oh I'll make you some tea... you thought. You waited until the tea was piping hot and you brought it back up to his room. "It's about time..." he mumbled. You put on a forced smile and stalked over to him slowly. He looked at you with a confused look as you raised the tea cup. "Here you go." you said with a big grin on your face. Before he could say anything you dumped the scorching hot tea on his head. He srung up and ran to the bathroom. As he was trying to cool of his head with cold water, you walked in and said, "We're through." then you packed your bags and left. You ended up at a small motel that you would call your home for a few days or maybe weeks.

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