(1D) He Doesn't Like Your Boss/Co-worker

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He Doesn't Like Your Boss/Co-worker

Louis: "Hey buddy, you want to stop hitting on my girlfriend?" Louis laughs as he steps between you and your co-worker. "Louis!" You hiss, looking up at him. "Whoa, I didn't know you were her girlfriend." He says, taking a step back. "Sure you didn't and I didn't know that I was in a famous boy band." He rolls his eyes as he grabs your waist. "Don't do it again." He warns.

Niall: "Why didn't they give you the promotion? You work a billion times harder than she does!" He exclaims as you shake your head. "I don't know, but it is what it is. She clearly deserved it if they picked her over me." You say softly. "You are too kind, I swear." He mutters as he gets up and kisses you gently. "If I were you, I would give him a piece of my mind."

Liam: "I'm just saying there was no need to be that rude to you." He says softly. "That's just how she is. Ignore it." You mumble. "No, I'm not going to ignore it. Don't let her keep you down because that's just what she wants." He says rubbing your back, "I'm going to talk to her if she does it again, I swear." He grumbles, "No one gets to treat you like that. No one."

Zayn: "He keeps flirting with you!" Zayn shouts. "If I catch him looking at you one more time I'm going to hit him." You shake your head and smile slightly, "Stop smiling, this is serious." He snaps. You laugh and shake your head, "Seeing you jealous makes me laugh." He shakes his head, "I'm just saying I really don't like him." He mumbles, clearing embarrassed at how he was acting.

Harry: "Making you stay after to finish the paperwork is ridiculous." Harry mutters as he rubs the knots out of your neck. "I know, I know." You mumble. "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind." He mumbles. "No, no you're not because I want to keep my job." You say quickly. He nods and presses his lips to your neck. "If this happens one more time, I swear..."

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