Zayn Superhero AU

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"Y/N!" Your boss called through the speaker on your desk. "Yes, Mr. Jones?" "I need you to get the bank statements today. Lisa is out sick so it’s your job. The briefcase is sitting outside my office." "Yes sir." You set down the phone. The law firm you were interning at required you to split errands your boss wanted  with some other intern. Not much on-the-job learning, but it was a paid internship so you couldn’t complain. The only thing that got you going was that your boss was a grumpy old man who wanted everything done as soon as it’s brought up, not to mention that he never left his office. Grabbing the briefcase, you made your way out the door quickly to not get stopped by anyone. The bank was down the street from your building so it forced you to walk, but you didn’t mind. It was mid-day so the bank would be quite empty. Somebody at the front desk greeted you as you made your way to an open bank teller. "Hi, I work for the law-firm down the street. My boss told me to pick up the weekly bank statements. My co-worker Lisa usually does this but she’s on-" "Everybody put your hands up!" Your explanation cut short as a man with a dark voice screamed. The teller’s eyes went wide, her hands covering her mouth. You spun around hearing another woman shriek in fear. A man stood, ski mask on his face and gun in hand pointing it toward your way. Your hands mirrored the teller’s, shooting up to cover your mouth. Your heart beating so fast, it was as if it’s coming out of your chest. The man took a step in your direction, his main focus on the teller. He walked closer, pushing you to the ground, "Give me all the money behind the counter or I’ll blow your head up and her head up!" He said pointing the gun towards you and the teller. "Okay!" "Move! Faster!" He directed her. "I’m going.." She whimpered. She put a bag on the counter containing the money behind the counter. "That’s it? What kind of bank is this! Piece of shit!" He snatched the bag, holding the gun up to her eye level. "No, no please don’t!" She pleaded. "Find me more money and then I won’t have to!" She scurried behind the counter to the other draws pulling out as much money as she could. Out of nowhere, a man appeared next to the burglar, snatching the gun right out of his hand and punching him in the face. This man, whose dark complexion appealed to you, seemed to literally just appear out of thin air. You sat in shock on the floor watching as the robber fell to the ground next to you. The handsome man held out a hand to you helping you up. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" "No, no, he didn’t hurt me. But how did you-?" "This is the police! is everyone alright?" A man with a badge walked into the bank looking over the surrounding area, seeing many terrified and shocked faces. The man standing next you, who saved the teller’s life, disappeared right before your eyes. The police took over the area, escorting the burglar out of the bank and into the back of the police car. The news crews also surrounding the bank interviewing the few people that were in there. You heard someone talking about the man who appeared, making your thoughts wonder as well. The medics had to check everyone as protocol, to make sure there were no injuries. You had just been checked and were now sitting down on a bench trying to reach your boss, who wasn’t answering his phone. You suddenly felt another presence on the bench making you turn your head to look at who it was. To your surprise, the man with the disappearing act was sitting next to you grinning shyly. "Hi" He said, his eyes brightening up as they studied yours. "Um, hi." You raised an eyebrow at him. This man, you noticed now in the better light, that he was very attractive, with killer cheek bones and dazzling eyes that could make any girl swoon if they were caught staring too long. "Can I help you?" You asked, earning a chuckle from the man. "I wanted to explain myself." "Oh, you mean how you just appeared and the disappeared out of thin air?" You responded turning your body towards him crossing your arms in defense. "Hah, yeah, about that," He chuckled, "well I can turn invisible." "Oh, okay sure that makes a lot of sense. Your crazy." You went to get up but his arm stopped you. "No, its true. Here let me show you." "You don’t really think…Holy shit!" Your disclaimer turned to pure shock as you witnessed the man disappear than reappear right in front of you eyes. You found your back against the far arm of the bench, apprehensive to what was happening. "I’m not crazy." He simply stated. "But, your-How can you do that?" "I don’t know really, was born like it." He shrugged. "Why are you just telling me? You saved that teller’s life! You should be on the news!" "Nah, I don’t like all the attention really." "I’m Y/N," You held out your hand, "I feel it only necessary that I know the name of the man who saved not only my life but everyone else in that bank’s life." His attractive smile widened, "I’m Zayn, and your welcome." You shook hands, still looking him in those memorizing eyes. "Well, I guess I have to get back to work now" "Why would you want to do that? Come take a walk with me instead." The proposed option made you smirk. "I’m sorry I really should get back to work." You shook your head laughing, "My boss is probably wondering where the hell I am." "I’m sure he’ll watch the news and figure out what happened." You laughed a little more, finally nodding your head. "Putting it that way, then yes, I will take a walk with you." You grinned. "Perfect, this way I can show you what else I can do.." He stood from the bench. "Wait there’s more?!" Your response sounding more like a shriek. Zayn only laughed more, grabbing your hand and pulling you up from the bench, "C’mon, and I’ll show ya"

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