(5SOS)How You Meet (High School)

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Luke: You were walking by yourself in the hallway. Everyone left you when they found out you had a crush on Luke Hemmings, the school nerd. You didn't see what was so "nerdy" about him, though. He liked comic books and read them a lot, but that was no reason to bully anyone. He was also very quiet, but you figured that was because of the bullying. You wanted to talk to him but you were afraid. All of your friends leaving you didn't exactly boost yourself esteem. Today you felt kinda confident, though. You turned into your next class and smashed right into somebody. All of your books and papers scattered across the ground including theirs. "Sorry..." you mumbled. You looked up and saw none other than Luke himself. You could barely hear him mumble somehting like "It's okay". You both picked up your books and looked back up at each other. You both stood there, waiting for someone to say something. You finally spoke up. "My name's (Y/N)," you said as you held out your hand for him to shake it. He took it reluctantly then said in a soft tone, "My name's Luke." All you could think of was how infatuated you were with this boy you barely knew anyhting about. You didn't realize you were staring for a good 30 seconds before the boy spoke up. "Why are you staring?" He whispered as he looked away with a blush creeping up on his cheeks. "Sorry," you said as you looked back down. "I've just never seen anyone like you..." you mumbled the last part almost to yourself. "Oh..." he said. "Is that good or bad?" He said looking into your eyes very reluctantly. "Good." Your answered confidently. He smirked a little bit before he finally said, "how come you never talked to me until now? Is this just because you lost all of your other friends and I was your last resort?" he said, his face falling a little bit. You really hoped he didn't think that, you wanted to have something special with him. "Do you wanna know why they all left me, Luke?" You asked with a serious tone. "...Why?" he asked, unsure if he really wanted to know the answer. "Because I really liked you. I wanted to be more than just friends with you. I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, and that's why they all left, Luke" you said, looking him in the eye. The look on his face was priceless. Before you knew it he was engulfing you in the best hug he could give while holding a load of books. Before he let go he whispered in you ear, "I feel exactly the same. I have to go now though. I'll talk to you later, (Y/N)." with that he walked to his next class.

Calum: "Allie and Joseph," your teacher called our. You had to do a partner project in a class full of people you really don't like. "Marina and Dylan....and lastly, (Y/N) and Calum." Well it could be worse... you thought. Calum could be very obnoxious. He always threw crumpled up paper at the back of your head during class. You knew what he was trying to do. Everyone else did it to you too. The peice of paper always had a nasty comment written on it or chewed up gum. You walked over to Calum and sat down quickly, just wanting this to be over soon. "Hey," he mumbled. "Hello," you said politely. "I'll do all the work, I know you probably don't want to and-" "No" he interrupted. "O-okay..." you stuttered, very confused. You guys both worked together silently, until Calum spoke up. "Why do you always avoid me? What did I ever do to you?" He questioned with a hurtful look in his eyes. "Well..." you started. "you're just like the others; rude." He looked even more hurt, and very shocked. "I've never done anyhthing to you though, I don't see why you would think of me in that way, (Y/N)." "Well... I just figured..." you trailed off. Calum scoofed, "You and everyone else." Now you were just confused. Calum had loads of friends and they all adored him. It was almost like he knew what you were thinking from the look on your face. "They're not my real friends, they all just pretend to like me for my family's money. It can be a real bumer knowing that you have no one really there for you when you need them." He said, not once looking up to meet your eyes. "I'm sorry about that..." you mumbled. You didn't have many friends, but atleast they liked you for you adn nothing else. "It's okay..." he started. "but I am curious, why would you never open up the notes I threw to you? I've tried getting you to read them so many times, (Y/N)." "Well...I thought..." once that word came out of your mouth he let out a sigh. "You thought." he repeated. You nooded," I figured you were giving me a hateful note like everyone else was. " You admitted. "(Y/N)." Calum said, looking you straight in the eye. His face was centimeters from yours and you could just barely feel hisn the tip of your nose. "Yes?" you asked reluctantly. He didn't say one word. He simply leaned in and touched his lips to yours. It was just a short peck, but it was probably the best kiss you've ever recieved. "I don't hate you," he continued. You looked down at your feet and smiled as a blush made its way across your face. "I actually have loved you since I first saw your beautiful eyes." he mumbled more to himself than to you. You snapped your head up. "What? Y-you love m-me??" You couldn't really believe what you were hearing. Did he really just say that he loved you? "Yeah," he continued, looking deep into your eyes with his big brown ones. "I love everything about you. From your beautiful hair that I just want to run my hands through, to your cute little nose." he giggled. "From your beautiful lips, that I really enjoyed kissing by the way," this time you both laughed. "all the way to your fingertips, and everything else in between." He said as he entertwined his long fingered with your shorter ones. You were probably blushing like mad now. How could someone you had barely ever spoken to be so infatuated with you? Of course you felt the same way. Well that's skinny love I guess... you thought. You never really thought it was skinny love until now. Now, you knew it was skinny love the whole time. But know that you both knew how each other felt, you no longer had to use that term. It was all just pure love.

Ashton: You were the girl everyone avoided at school. You had a reputation for being "bad" so people who didn't want trouble just stayed out of your way. You despised most of them, which is why you were always grumpy. You really weren't all that hateful people just never really gave you a chance because of how you looked. You came off as a "trouble-maker" so they judged you. There was one person tat you could stand. You didn't know his name but he intrigued you. He had dirty blonde hair, some days it looked almost brown, and he was extremely tall with hazel ,sometimes green, eyes and a charming smile. He always had his face burried in a different book every week. You could tell he was very intelligent, but also very reserved. He always sat at the back of the bus, he only had one friend, and he let everyone push him around. You watched him from afar everyday, just hoping he would come up and talk to you, but he never does; no one ever does. You sometimes just wanted to go up to him and say something, but you were actually very shy. Another reason why you had no friends. You were feeling kinda confident today, and you saw the boy sitting by himself eating his lunch just like every other day. You saw somebody go up behind him and take his food. You felt bad for the defenseless boy as you saw them taunting and teasing him. You just wished you could stop it. You decided you might do something and as you were about to get up, you saw them open the ccontents of his lunch bag all over his shirt and pants, including his whole Pepsi. That's when you had enough. You quickly got up and walked calmly over to the 4 boys picking on him, once they saw you coming, the color in their face completely drained. They looked like a deer and headlights.You grabbed the one who poured the food on the boy, who's name you still don't know, by the collar and pushed him onto the cold cafeteria floor. Everyone in the entire room had their eyes on the episode happening in front of them. You looked down at the boy you had just pushed on the floor before you threw a punch straight into his gut. You were glad he couldn't fight back because this guy was a lot bigger than you, but you could throw a pretty good punch. You punched him repeatedly before you were sure he got the message to never touch that innocent boy again. The dirtbag and his other friends quickly scurried out of the lunchroom as other people began averting their attention back to their food. You sat down with the frightened boy and tried talking to him. "Hey I'm sorry about that..." you started. "No," he interrupted, "thank you for helping..." a blush creot up on his cheeks. "But why did you help?" He asked. "Well..." you really didn't want to tell him the real reason just yet. "What's your name? I'm (Y/N)." you said trying to change the subject. "Ashton," he mumbled. "Well Ashton," you started,"would you believe me if I said I...kinda had an interest in you?" You said, a blush creeping up on your cheeks. That made hime blush too, but 10 times worse than you were. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, a little unconfident. "Well...." you didn't really know exactly how to put it. "I've always thought you were kinda..." Don't call him hot that's insulting. But handsome saounds so lame "Beautiful." you finish. He looked truly shocked to hear that. He was almost speechless. "Wow... no one has ever said that to me." He said. You just smiled at him. "And..." he started. "And?" you repeated. A smirk played its way onto his face. "I thought you were gorgeous the moment I laid eyes on you, I was just really afraid to talk to you... I knew you weren't all that bad, I'm just not the most social person," he chuckled. Now it was your turn to be shocked. You grasped his hand lightly and he smiled. "Meet me here after school." you whsipered as you pulled a pen out of your bookbag. You wrote your home address on his arm then smiled at his before you got up and walked away.

Michael: (Sorry this one is kinda short and it's not really you guys "meeting" but you are in high school sorry :/ ) You were the head cheerleader of your high school, but you weren't like the stereotypical head cheerleader. You were nice and caring to everybody, no matter who they were. And you were never ever stuck-up or conceited. Many people were after your heart but there was only one boy who had it, and he hated you. His name was Michael, star quarterback of the football team. You guys used to be best friends before you got a boyfriend and stopped talking to you. You were done cheering at the game and wen to sit down when you saw Michale sitting on the bench. You walked over to him and he glared at you hard. "Why are you sitting the game out?" you questioned, very curious as to why the quarterback would be sitting the game out. "I got in a fight..." he mumbled. "but it's none of your business.." Who did he fight with? "Your shitty ex-boyfriend.." he mumbled. Was I thinking outloud? You wondered "Yes." he answered. Wow, you do that too often. "Well why did you fight him? Why do you hate him so much? Why did you leave me when he came along?" You whispered looking him dead in the eyes. He sighed, his face softening. "I hate him because he stole your heart in 3 days, when I had been trying for almost a year. We were so close before he came along. And then when he just broke your heart like it was nothing... thats when I had enough. I jsut couldn't stand to see that. I avoided you because I couldn't be around you when all you talked about was him. I'm so sorry (Y/N) please forgive me for being a huge dick to you." He said, tears now rushing over his tinted cheeks. You grabbed him roughly by the shoulders and smashed your lips onto his. He was shocked at first and wasn't responding, so you nudged your lips against his and he snapped back into reality. He began to kiss you back lovingly, but pulled away far too soon. "(Y/N) we shouldn't do thi-" "Michael, I really like you back..." you interrupted. He waited for you to finsih. "and he was just a mistake, please, Michael. I really want this." You whispered. Your breath on his lips made him shiver a little. He didn't answer he just nodded and pulled you back in for another sweet kiss.

(Again I'm really sorry that last one isn't you guys meeting, but I had no inspiration so I just made that thank you for reading! p.s. skinny love is when you love somebody and they love you back but you're both afraid to admit it)

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