(5SOS) Christmas Morning

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Christmas Morning

Ashton: "(Y/N)!! Wake up!!" You heard Ashton say excitedly, shaking you until you finally woke up. "I’m so tired though, you kept me up late." You whined. Ashton said he couldn’t sleep last night and kept you up until 2 in the morning watching Christmas movies. "Oh come on, Mrs Grumpy Pants. Let’s go open presents!!" He said excitedly. You sighed and yawned before getting up out of bed. You both opened all of your presents that you got each other, and then you guys got ready and went to spend the rest of Christmas day with Ashton’s family.

Calum: Both you and Calum were very spirited towards Christmas. You spent December shopping together for friends, for each other, and decorating for Christmas. Once it was finally Christmas eve, you both were so excited you could barely sleep. You slept for a few hours but once 6am rolled around, you were both very much awake and very anxious. “Presents?” Calum asked. “YES!” You squealed and you both jumped out of bed excitedly.

Michael: Both of you were quite the night owls, though you did completely different things, you sat together in the same room and that was peaceful itself. You were sitting at the end of the couch, nuzzled into one of your favorite books with your legs on top of Michaels lap, and Michael was playing video games with his arms resting in your lap. This was a normal occurrence for you both, but the only thing that was different was that it’s Christmas Eve… Or early Christmas morning at this point. “What time is it?” Michael yawned. “4:09.” You said checking your phone. “We should probably go to bed…” He yawned. “Or we could open presents?” “It is Christmas morning, technically…” He shrugged and you both spent the next hour opening your presents to and from each other.

Luke: You and Luke have been together for over a year, so you’ve been together through one Christmas already, but this one was different. Last year you had to mail presents and skype throughout Christmas day. It was depressing, actually. But this year him and the boys had to stay in London over Christmas instead of going home to Australia. Luke was sad about not seeing his family, but he was excited about you guys spending your first Christmas together. You went over to the 5SOS house and made a ton of food while spending Christmas Eve together and then woke up early Christmas morning to open presents.

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