(1D) You're in 1DDay

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You're in 1DDay

Louis: "It takes ages to do my hair." he complains to Lou as she stands in front of him with a brush and a hair dryer. "Take less time if you stopped fidgeting." she quips back and you giggle from the couch on the opposite side of the room. "Be quiet, you!" he jokingly yells and the camera flashes to you, sitting under a blanket in his red football jumper. He turns briefly in his chair when you laugh louder, "listen, missy. Don't make me come over there." he says in a cheesy American accent. Lou rolls her eyes and shoves him back into place. She points the brush to you. "You're the reason he's always fidgeting."

Zayn: "Babes, are ya home?" his accent is thicker than usual. He'd been back to Bradford for a few days before coming home to London after the tour. From the bedroom you hear more than one pair of feet shuffling and call back to him. "Come down 'ere, yeah?" he shouts back back and you hustle down the stairs to him. Leaping into his welcoming arms you leave a quick kiss and wrap your own arms around his shoulders. "Ignore the camera, yeah?" he murmurs in your ear and you nod. Soon, you pull away and his hands remains on your back, rubbing lovingly. "Hungry?" you ask, trying not to eye the six men who are standing opposite you. "Starving."

Liam: "Legs or shoulders today?" Jarvis asks as he and the camera crew enter the dressing room you and Liam are lounging in. Liam rubs you calf softly as he makes a long "um" sounds while he thinks. "How about the bum? Girlfriends love a bit of bum, don't they babe?" he winks at you and you can't hold in your laughter. "You two make me sick." Jarvis groans and heads toward the door. "Meet me in the gym in two minutes. No later." he calls over his shoulder before leaving. Liam leans over to kiss your temple and moves your legs to stand up. Once he does, he flexes his bum which sends you in a fit of giggles. "I'll be working on that for ya babe." he chuckles as the camera crew follows him out. "Ace!" you call back, quoting him.

Niall: "What is [Y/N]'s favorite color?" Scott asks Niall as you sit opposite each other and he stares at you before trying to glance over the back of your white board to see your answer. Scott scolds him and pushes him back into his seat. "Arg," Niall grunts before ruffling his hair and reluctantly scribbling something down. "What did you say Niall?" Scott asks, and Niall sighs. He has yet to get a question right about you but you've gotten every single one right about him. He flips his board to reveal the wrong answer. "And, what is the answer [Y/N]?" Scott turns to you and you show the right one. Niall frowns and throws the board to the ground. "I look like a rubbish boyfriend." he laughs but you can tell he's not exactly joking. "I think these questions are rubbish!" you smile. "C'mon, Scott! You've got to have better ones. These are all things everyone knows about Niall! What about the deeper, meaningful thing the fans want to know?" you ask and they both laugh. "Like how big is my-" Scott cuts Niall off, "I think that's the end of this segment!"                 

Harry: He's distracted. It's very clear and it's very much by you. The way you're smiling at him shyly and sometimes throwing him the thumbs up or a 'West Side' just to make him laugh. "Earth to Harold!" Niall yells. "Harry, have you quite finished?" Louis laughs and Zayn punches Harry's shoulder. "We know you're girlfriend's lovely and beautiful and all but we've got a show to do!" Liam tuts. The camera immediately shifts to you and you make a face. Harry tries to hide his blush by shaking his head down at the floor. "Everyone give it up for [Y/N]!" Louis calls and the rest of the boys give a loud round of applause. "Woo! I love you!" Harry calls among the noise.

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