(1D) Puddles

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Harry: It was winter and the rain was pouring and to make things worse you had to walk in the rain as you struggled with keeping your umbrella up against the ferocious wind. From the moment you started walking you were drenched but you still had to continue on. The rain had caused muddy puddles to form in the gutters and as cars were rushing through, walls of muddy water were hitting the unfortunate pedestrians and of course to get to school you had to walk right passed it. You tired your best to time it so you could avoid the muddy water but it just wasn’t meant to be especially considering out of nowhere a car came rushing down the road sending the puddle up and covering you from head to toe. Your body froze as the water hit your body, “Just great…” you grumbled. “… Could this day get any worse?” You didn’t bother to even put your umbrella up, as what was the point you were already drenched. You turned into the gates of the school, wringing out water from your clothes as you were you could feel a presence right next to you and you looked up to see a curly haired boy who was in a dark trench coat and jeans and a black back pack and a sturdy umbrella over his head. “Are you alright?” You stopped in your spot and just stared at him incredulously. “Do I look okay? I mean I am drenched and I now have to go all day wearing these dirty wet clothes and I smell and I just want to get warm before I get super sick.” You huffed and walked off. “I have a spare change of clothes in my bag if you want to wear them instead.” You stopped once again in the pouring rain. “And why would you do something like that?” He shrugged his shoulders. “Because I want to brighten your day.” You looked to the wet pavement. “Okay, thanks.” We both walked into school sneaking looks at each other, he handed his clothes over. “I’m Harry by the way and I will wait just here.” You went into the change rooms and got changed into a pair of his jeans that were way to long and needed to be rolled up and a big grey pull over jumper. You walked out with your wet clothes in your hand. “You don’t happen to have a plastic bag I could put these in do you?” Harry rummaged through his bag handing a bag over to you. “Thanks, and I’m (Y/N)… ” You placed your clothes in the bag. “… How am I going to get these clothes back to you?” Harry just laughed, “Well if I give you my number we can go from there… ” You smiled handing him your phone. “… I hope to hear from you soon (Y/N). ”

Liam: It was normal for all the boys girlfriends to sneak in through the back for any event they attend but tonight was different it was the premiere for ‘THIS IS US’ and the boys wanted the most important people in their lives to walk down the red carpet. You were currently in the limo with all the boys and their partners, your fingers were laced with Liam’s for comfort. “Don’t be nervous babe.” Liam whispered into your ear. You smiled at him unconvinced. The car came to a halt and you could hear the muffled screams of the directioners. Louis and Eleanor faced the deafening crowd first and then it was yours and Liam’s turn. Liam stood in the doorway with his hand stretched out ready and waiting for you. You placed your hand in his were he wrapped his fingers tightly around yours and pulled you right to his side as you faced the manic fans and media. “Just relax, smile and be your gorgeous self.” You gazed into his eyes. “I’m so proud of you.”  You both walked towards the wall of media where all the boys gathered for the group shots. After 5 minutes they separated and headed back to their respective partners. Liam kissed your cheek as you continued down the red carpet when Liam stopped abruptly, “You alright?” without a word he shrugged off his leather jacket walking a few steps and laying it on the ground. “Someone spilt water all over here and the carpet is soaking and they haven’t been able to make a little bridge over the carpet, hence my jacket.” He shrugged for added effect. You kissed his lips, “My hero.” Liam walked ahead of you stepping on his jacket, he turned back holding his hand out which you took immediately. You placed a tentive step onto his jacket and you could easily hear the squenching of the soggy carpet. Liam picked up his jacket and inspected the damage, “Thanks god we already took the group pictures of Lou and Caroline would have murdered me.”

Louis: Currently it was storming outside which meant that every board game Louis owned was piled high on the dining room table and you were both slowly working your way through them. For anyone there is only so many games of connect 4 that you can take before you want to smash the game over someone’s head. “Lou, this is ridiculous. I am so bored, let’s do something at least remotely entertaining.” Lou glanced outside to see the rain only slightly trickling down from the sky. “Get your rain coat and gumboots on, we’re going outside.” His mischievous smile stretched across his face. Without a second thought you ran to the hall closet and pulled your coat and boots on Louis doing the same. You ran out the front door and found puddles had formed all over the front lawn and driveway, without a thought you started jumping having the water splash up into the air, “No fair, you started without me.” You ran up to Louis. “How about we jump in a puddle together?” Louis yanked you over to the puddle and started jumping uncontrollably in it and you couldn’t stop the laughter filtering through your lips. “I take it you’re having fun?” Louis’ hair was stuck to his forehead and he was dripping wet but he never looked so happy. “I would be having more fun though if you were jumping with me.” You jumped into the puddle without warning. And that was how you spent the next few hours together.

Niall: Everyone has one pair of shoes that they will wear until there are holes in them and yet they will still keep wearing them. You have a pair of TOMS that you had worn the sole away and it’s an issue especially because of all the dreary weather London is known for. But you and Niall woke up and it was sunny and there was hardly a cloud in the sky so you both got ready and decided to go out for a sneaky date. Of course you had to wear your TOMS with your outfit especially with the limited opportunities you get to wear them. You both had decided to go and sneak into the new Percy Jackson movie, there were laughs and smiles and cheeky looks at Logan on the screen. Once the movie was over you made your way back to Niall’s car only to be met with heavy rain and neither of you having an umbrella. “Sweetie, you stay here and I will bring the car around for you.” You reached up and pecked his lips. “Thanks baby.” Niall pulled his hoodie up over his head and headed towards the car. You grabbed your phone out and started looking through your twitter mentions when you heard a beep from Niall’s car which was sitting in the rain, you knew your shoes weren’t going to keep your feet dry. You charged for his car and could feel water soaking into your socks, opening the door and then slamming it shut behind you. You socks were soaked and your shoes were officially ruined, there was no saving them now. “I have to throw my shoes out now.” You pouted at Niall. He just chuckled. “I can buy you another pair.” You looked at your shoes. “I know you can, but these shoes have been there for everything and now they are useless.” Niall grabbed your hand. “Sweetie, I think you forget I have been there as well.” You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes and then kissed the back of his hand. “I love you.”

Zayn: You were one of the most uncoordinated people in the whole world but that was a trait that Zayn found very endearing. Yet when it came to the people that you surrounded yourself with they were graceful and were always looking for a new physical adventures, so it was no surprise when your best friend decided that she wanted to celebrate her birthday at the ice rink. The only thoughts you had running through your head was every way that you could hurt yourself and worst of all others, but you showed up any way to support her being the best friend that you are. Zayn was all excited and went and got you both a pair of skates but you declined his offer of going around the rink with him but he made his way to the rink wanting to give it a shot. You had watched him go around a few times when you noticed that he fell and landed hard on the ice, he wasn’t moving and you without a second thought rushed out onto the ice dodging all the other skaters and you bobbed down next to him. “Zayn? … Baby you need to get up.” Zayn started groaning and you tried your best to get him to stand up and get him to hold onto the ledge. But as you were walking off the ice on his side your foot hit a puddle of ice water on the rink and it sent you fly onto the ground into the freezing water that was soaking your clothes. You managed to sit up and get off the rink to a very dishevelled looking Zayn. “Thanks for saving me Love, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you though.” You rested you rested your head on his shoulder. “No worries Baby just be careful next time.”

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