Liam Superhero AU

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Being in college, you had to watch what you’d spend. Saving money here and there, maybe only eating 2 meals a day instead of the wanted 3. You currently resided in a small apartment off campus. Seeing as you couldn’t afford all the room and board, this was as good as it got. The apartment was cheap, not the best, but conditions were livable. It was a long day of classes leaving you to trudge into your apartment, lazily shuffling off your shoes and coat. Your stomach began growling so you walked into your kitchen looking through your bare cabinets until you came across some macaroni and cheese. Getting out a pan and filling it with water, you then set it on the stove, putting the burner on high. You’d figure it would take a little while for the water to boil so you went to sit on your couch, turning on your TV. Your eyes slowly began drooping as the show played. You kept trying to move around on the couch to stay awake but nothing was helping. Your eyes had closed, like there was a padlock on them and you couldn’t find the key to open them again. A dream started to play in your head, one where you were living in a huge house, 2 little kids tugging on your legs saying, “Mommy! Mommy!”. Your head picked up and you saw a man standing in the doorway, assuming it was your husband. “Hey honey.” He greeted pecking your cheek. The man was beautiful, lovely brown eyes glistening in the dream light, a bit of facial hair covering his jawline just right. In reality, you’ve never seen him before, but he felt so perfect. This dream-life was cut short when you felt your body being lifted from the couch. An immense heat taking over the area. You fluttered your eyes open, seeing a familiar face carrying you. But your attention was soon drawn from the man, as you saw bright flames engulfing your kitchen space. “Oh my god!” You gasped, squirming out of the mans grip, noticing how his chest and arms were covered in a spandex material. He set you in the hall then ran back inside. You quickly ran after him, needing to know what this crazy man was doing running back into flames. Your eyes not believing your eyes. The flames, being sucked away…into his hand. The light dying down to reveal only that the stove and a few cabinets were damage. “How did you..?” The man turned around, making you stumble back a bit. His face resembling that of the man in your dream. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” He took a step toward you. Your hand reached out and grabbed his, where the flames had resided. “How are you not hurt? You just touched flames!” The man only chuckled, making you look up and study the features of his face, then his body, revealing that suit he was wearing as a bright orange, reminding you of the flames. “I’m a pyro.” I simply stated, your face puzzled as you looked up at him. “A what?” “I can control fire. That’s how I did that. I took in the fire.” “Where did you put it?!” Your response making him laugh. “No where! It just stays inside of me.” You took another step back away from him. “I’m Liam.” He held out his hand for me to shake. “Y/N.” You stated apprehensive about touching that hand. “I’m not going to hurt you Y/N.” He said sincerely. You shook his hand. “I’m sorry, its just not every day you meet a man you not only carries you out of your apartment and can control fire. How did you even find me anyway?” “I sensed the fire.” “That’s it. You just sensed the fire?” You crossed your arms over your chest. “You don’t believe me?” He chuckled. “It’s just sorta all hard to believe, alright?” “I understand, but it’s true.” “Yeah, I know. That’s what’s weird.” You giggled. “Oh and I kinda broke your door, but don’t worry I’ll buy you a new one.” “And why did you do that?” “How else would I have saved a pretty girl like you?” You blushed at his comment. “I need to move anyway so this is just more reason for me to do so. And if you don’t mind be asking, why are you in a costume?” “So I don’t burn off my normal clothes.” Your lips formed the shape of an ‘o’. “Are you going to be okay here?” “Uh, yeah I’ll be fine. I’ll have my neighbor fix the door.” “You sure? I can fix it.” “No, that’s okay, you’ve already saved my life. I think that’s enough for one day. I already have no way to repay you.” “How ‘bout a date?” He blurted. “What?” You said, tightening your arms across your chest. “Just go on a date with me, then we’ll be considered ‘even’.” He stated simply. “Uh-okay?” You tried to hide the blush on your cheeks. His smile widened, “great! I’ll come by tomorrow around 8?” “Sure, that sounds okay.” “Alright, perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He said walking towards the door of your apartment. “Yep, I guess so.” He waved bye, you following him out. You smiled to yourself, “Oh and Liam?” “Yeah?” He turned to look at you. “Don’t wear the costume.” You smirked, making him smile and life to himself. You walked back into your apartment, taking in all the damage. Your thoughts soon trailed off to Liam, how he looked, both in your dream and in reality and thinking that you actually had a date with a superhero….

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