(1D) Disney Princess

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1D Disney Preference

Liam: (Tiana)

"How was work today?" your roommate asked you as walked through the door, obviously exhausted. 

"Terrible," you replied. Waitressing was really not your thing— dealing with annoying customers and taking orders for hours on end— you’d rather be doing anything else. But you were so close to earning wha tyou had worked for for years— your dream of being able to travel around the world, the experience of a lifetime. So you worked two jobs, waitressing and cashiering at a local store. 

"Well," your friend interrupted your thoughts. "Let’s get your mind off of it. Let’s go out tonight! You’re no fun anymore, you’re always working!"

"I need that trip, (y/f/n)."

"I know, but it wouldn’t kill you to stop worrying about money once in a while. Let’s go to a club! We haven’t done that in ages! We can pick up some cute boys, and God knows, you need a boyfriend."

"I don’t have anything to wear," you said.

"Easy," she replied with a coy smile.

A half- hour later, your hair was beautifully curled, and you were wearing a short, ice-blue dress. 

"(y/f/n)…" you said. "This is beautiful. You can’t let me wear this,"

"Oh please," she said in her fluffy pink dress. "It’s an old one, it doesn’t fit me anymore. You can keep it."

She drove her car downtown, where you entered a packed club. She made her way over to the bar, you following, where the both of you ordered drinks. She downed hers quickly, before running off to the dance floor where she quickly attracted many men with her good looks.

You sighed, and leaned back. This was not your scene. You were more of the quiet type, and this place was anything but quiet.

"Hey beautiful," a voice said from next to you. You turned around to see a beautiful boy with closely cropped light brown hair, and beautiful chocolate eyes.

"Hi," you said nervously, not sure what else to say. You didn’t have many experiences with boys, and most boys could tell that.

He smirked. These were exactly the kind of people that you avoided, the ones who knew they were beautiful and used it to their advantage.

"You’re cute," he said, reaching over to brush a piece of hair from your eyes. You flinched when the tips of his fingers touched your forehead. He smiled again. "Cute in a nervous way," he said.

"I wouldn’t say nervous so much…" you said.

"High-strung?" he asked.

"That’s better…" you trailed off, not sure yet what to think of this boy.

He then proceeded to ask you every single detail of your life, and you responding, getting more enthusiastic in time. He was surprised when you said that you worked two jobs.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah. I need to travel around the world, get out of here, you know?"

"This is all I’ve ever known," he said. "I never get tired of it. And you, do you ever just think of slowing down? You still have so much life left to live, save the boring working stuff for when you’re older."

"I can’t stand that," you said, when you felt a small tug on your arm. It was your friend, and she, of course, had a boy on her arm.

"I’m going to take Jason home with us," she said. "You don’t mind?" She was maybe probably definitely a little bit drunk.

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