(1D) Decades AU

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Decades AU

Liam - 70’s

Your friends had been trying to get you to join them at the roller disco for some time now and each time you had said no, but today you finally plucked up the courage to go with them. You straightened your hair to perfection and added some eyeliner to your eyes, putting on your swirly dress and roller skates, you were ready. As you skated round the rink you noticed a cute guy skating just ahead of you, he was quite tall, tan, brown hair, brown eyes, very cute actually. He looked your way and smiled and you giggled carrying on skating. Soon he was talking to you and asking if you wanted to join him on a date sometime.

Louis - 60’s (this is loosely based on Hairsprays, Corny Collins show)

You sat backstage, hairspraying your big hair to perfection for almost the thousandth time. You were a dancer on the Corny Collins Show, which was a very popular show where you are from. You were one of the main dancers, alongside a boy named Louis. He was extremely popular with the ladies. He had a perfectly curled quiff and icy blue eyes, he was gorgeous and made you swoon. You were so lucky to be able to work with him. You shrugged into your shift dress and walked out onto the stage, a smile plastered on your pink lips as you took Louis’ hand, in position for the dance of the night. He smiled at you and began to dance. At the end of the show, you walked backstage to see Louis stood by your dressing table. “So Y/N would you like to maybe go on a date sometime?”

Zayn - 20’s

Zayn Malik, everyone knew that name. He was the cities most notorious gangster, and here you were sat in a smoke filled bar, Zayn Maliks eyes locked with yours. He smirked at you lifting his cocktail glass towards his lips. His raven black hair was slicked back into a perfectly styled quiff and he was wearing a crisp black suit. His friends were dotted throughout the bar, there for back up in case there was any trouble, and when Zayn Maliks around there often is trouble. He smirked at you again and made his way over to wear you were sat. You had a White feather in your curled hair and a black flapper dress on. He came and sat down on the chair next to you. “A drink for the pretty lady and the usual for me” he said, pushing a note towards the bartender “keep the change.” I smiled at him casually, wanting him to know I wasn’t scared of him, like everyone else was. “Evening Miss…” he said,
“Y/N” you finished for him,
“Y/N, would you maybe want to go out on a date sometime?”

Niall - 90’s

You sat in a frat party, your on/off jock boyfriend stood on the other side of the room with his teammates and two girls. To be honest you really couldn’t care, you hoped he would cheat n you so you would have a proper excuse to call it quits. A blond, blue eyed boy was staring at you across the crowded room, he was wearing an oversized denim jacket, a White vest and acid was jeans. He was probably the nicest looking boy there. When he noticed you looking back he smiled, and began to walk over to you. “Hey” he smirked, his Irish accent making your heart miss a beat. “Hey”

Harry - 40’s

You were an army nurse. You were overseas at the moment, helping out all the injured. But tonight was the Dance and all the soldiers and nurses and a big band would be there. You put on your favorite red polka dot dress and curled and pinned your hair and you were ready. After applying your lipstick of course. You walked into the big hall and it was already packed, the band loud, everybody dancing. A soldier came up to you he looked quite young, about the same age as you. He had chocolate curls which were gently pushed back and was wearing his uniform. “Good evening miss” he said, his British accent instantly making you feel at home. “Good evening sir”
“So what’s your name?” he asked, politely.
“Y/N and yours?” you asked,
“Harry, may I say miss Y/N you look mighty beautiful tonight”

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