(5SOS) He Pouts

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He Pouts

Luke:“Baby, stop walking away from me, please!” He grabbed my arm and turned me around, pulling me closer to him. He looked at me, lip jutted out and eyes resembling a puppy dog. My heart softened at his sad, but fake expression. “It was a stupid fight, about something stupid, and I was being stupid and-” “Stop talking and kiss me…Stupid!” I chuckled, pulling him into my and whispering into his neck, “And yes, I forgive you,” lifting my head away and winking at Luke.

Michael:"Mikey, no more video games! It’s time to go to the party, or we’ll be late," I said, adjusting my bracelets that were stacked up my arms. Yep, I thought. There’s the pout. He stuck out his bottom lip, eyes big and watery. His hands were balled together, as if he were begging at my feet for one more game. “I knew you’d do this,” I sigh. “You know me too well!” He laughed, “But, I know you’re a sucker for my pouty face!” He snickered and I unplugged the game console. “Not today, Mikey, let’s go..” He whined.

Calum:“Calum, we can’t get a dog. You’re going back on tour at the end of the year and-” “Shh, don’t think about that! That’s in months from now!” He said coolly, with a hand gesture as to say ‘no big deal.’ “No, Cal, I’m sorry..” I said, softly. He looked down for a few seconds, but a grin covered his face. “No, no no!” I yelled, knowing what he was about to do. “Not the pout!” I whine. His pouting was my biggest weakness. His bottom lip was poked out and his nostrils flaring, eyes wide and innocent. “FINE! We’ll get a dog, but I get to pick it out.” Oh, that boy, he always knows how to get his way. Too adorable!

Ashton:The fans crowded Ashton asking for pictures and autographs. I put one hand on my hip and the other slung around the front of my waist. I waited and waited, contemplating whether or not to leave. My eyes met Ashton’s big, perky ones and he sent me a look that said “Please wait.” So I did. I waited, until I called over and said, “We can reschedule the picnic. I’ll text you in a bit. Love you, Ash!” I was walking away when he called my name, and I turned to meet his big worried eyes, pushing through the crowd. He pouted and said, “No, please, I’m sorry Y/N! Just one more minute?” He sighed, bottom lip swollen and eyes full of apology. I nodded and pushed him back over to the crowd of fans.

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