(5SOS) First Kiss

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First Kiss

Ashton: You had butterflies in your stomach, the mere presence of Ashton sending those silly feelings fluttering in your stomach. The snow fell gently around you two, the streets quite, the only sound was the muffled crunch of your boots. You walked so your shoulders were brushing, occasionally he would look over at you and smile, making your cheeks turn an even rosier shade of pink. The sky was slightly pink, the street lamps casting a soft glow on the fallen snow. You suddenly blew a hair out of your face, Ashton’s laughter chiming beside you as you pouted when it fell back into place. “Let me,” He said still chuckling, his hand gently pushing the hair behind your ear, his finger trailing gently over your chilled cheek. It was your third date with Ashton, and you couldn’t help but feel head over heels with him. You were sure he knew that too, the way your cheeks would flush a soft shade of pink when he smiled at you, the way his touch would leave a trail of heat on your skin, and the smell of him was nearly intoxicating. You neared your flat, Ashton demanding that he walk you to the door, like a proper gentleman. As much as you protested, he would shake his head. “I could never live with myself if something happened to you. It’s late too, just let me do this.” He said, pouting slightly. You climbed up the snowy steps, your feet in sync, and you stopped, fishing your key out of your pocket. “Tonight was wonderful,” You said leaning against the door, its coldness seeping through your jacket. “It really was,” He said, using his one hand to lean against the door, his body sideways to you. You smiled at him, using your gloved hand to dust the fallen snow from his tousled hair. He smiled back at you, his eyes traveling over your body before meeting your eyes. “You’re absolutely beautiful,” He said, his voice serious. You blushed a thousands shades of red, looking down at the footprints on the doorstep. You felt a finger under you chin, forcing your head gently to meet his eyes. “Believe it,” he said, taking a deep breath. “Can I kiss you?” He said, his voice a little deeper, his eyes locked with yours. Your stomach erupted into a dramatic flutter, your heart hammering in your chest. You nodded your head, trying to suppress your excitement and nerves. He bent his head towards you, judging your every reaction, before you eagerly closed the distance between the two of you. His lips were soft, just like you had imagined all those times. You moved in sync, both of your bodies molding together as his hands slipped down to your waist, yours lacing themselves around his neck. You both pulled away a little breathless, small clouds leaving both of your mouths. He smiled, his dimples prominent, as an involuntary giggle left your parted lips. “I really like you,” He said, this time a blush coloured his cheeks. “I really like you too,” You whispered, pulling him in for another kiss, already liking the feeling of his lips on yours. 

Calum: You sat on the couch, both of your bodies touching, his foot tapping on the floor. You were talking with Calum, just about the both of your lives, and how radically different they were. What Calum didn’t know was the feelings you had for him. It was typical, the one sided crush, he was off touring and living his dream while you stayed at home, watching and cheering from the sidelines. “So, lots of girls?” You asked, biting your lip. He smirked a bit, shaking his head. “Surprisingly not.” He said, your head whipping around to look at him. “Really? You have thousands of teenage girls throwing themselves at you, and you don’t do anything?” You said a bit dumbfounded. He shrugged his shoulders. “What about you? Any boys I have to watch out for?” He said, a light tone to his voice, but his eyes were a little off. You laughed despite yourself, “nope, no problem there.” You said, playing with the hem of your shirt. “Really?” He said, his voice taking on a different pitch. “Really. Guys don’t like me, they’d rather be with the other girls at school, you know the ones I mean.” You said shaking your head. “How far have you gone with a guy?” He asked suddenly, making an unattractive red hue colour your cheeks as you looked down at your lap. “I’m sorry,” He added. “That’s really rude of me, and out of place. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” He said, coughing a bit. “No, you’re my best friend Cal. I… I haven’t done anything.” You said in a hushed tone, embarrassment evident in your posture. “Not even kiss?” He said, looking at you. You shook your head, allowing the long strands of hair to obscure your face. “Do you want to change that?” Calum asked after a few moments of silence, the question coming out of no where. You sputtered a bit, clearly caught off guard. “Sorry?” You said, making sure you heard right. He shifted his body so he was facing you. “Do you want me to be your first kiss?” He repeated, his expression dead serious. You searched his face for any sign that this was a joke, but he seemed convinced that he would be your first kiss. You meekly nodded your head, unsure of what to do. He broke out into a smile. “Turn a bit, like face me.” You did as he asked, unsure of what to do next. “Just close your eyes and lean in, just follow what I do.” He said. You closed your eyes, poised and ready for whatever he was going to do. You felt the gentle brush of his lips on yours, your heart fluttering. You kissed him back, his hands sliding up your legs to grip your waist. You took this as an opportunity to wrap your hands around his neck, as he deepened the kiss. After a few moments he pulled away, just to rest his head on your forehead. “Thats why there aren’t any girls, because I’ve been waiting for you.” He whispered, a smile playing on the corner of his lips. You pressed yours against his again, expressing that you felt exactly the same way.

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