(1D) You Meet At A Masquerade

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You Meet At A Masquerade



Harry: “This is stupid” you mumble to yourself, tugging on the gold mask strapped to your face as you make your way through the party. The material of your matching dress swishes around you, the fabric shimmering in the dim lights. “I did my eye makeup and for what, to wear this stupid mask” you complain, coming to a stop at the stair case leading down to the dance floor. “Not your scene?” a husky voice asks from behind you and you turn. A tall boy stands behind you, face masked by his own black mask with his brown curly hair flicked to the side. He’s dressed in all black, a white bow-tie tied around his neck and you squint at him beneath the dark light. “This is stupid” you tell him and he chuckles, holding his arm out for you to take while leading you down the stairs to the dance floor. “It’s mysterious” he offers and you roll your eyes, though he can’t see. “That’s stupid. I don’t like surprises” you tell him, spinning under his arm before he pulls you back into his strong hold. “You’re a control freak then?” he questions and you scoff. “I just don’t like not knowing what’s going to happen” “So, you’re a control freak” he says again, pulling you against him when you try. “Why don’t you just try to enjoy the night love, go along with it for once” he asks, leading you around the dance floor and you sigh. Eventually, he has you captivated enough and you’re itching to reach up and remove his mask but his words haunt you so you restrain.

Liam: You lean forward against the stone railing, reaching up to take your mask up but a man tuts behind you. “You’re supposed to keep that on love” he says and you turn, the fabric of your lilac dress brushing against your legs at the movement. “I suppose” you tell him, watching as he steps further onto the balcony of the masquerade ball you’re attending. He’s dressed in navy, a white button down beneath his jacket and his face is partially hidden by a white mask. “It adds to the mystic” he tells you, nodding to your bejeweled mask while leaning beside you. “It itches actually” you respond, reaching up to scratch your temple and he chuckles. “Well, yours is rather extravagant compared to mine” he says, running his fingers along the smoothness of his own mask and you smile. “Would you care to dance?” he questions, extending his hand to you and you eye him for a moment. He seems safe enough, familiar even and you nod while putting your hand in his and follow him back inside.

Niall: You spot a blond haired guy across the floor, dressed in black with his face masked like the rest of the party. He turns towards you and you turn away, looking to the waiter in front of you while taking the champagne flute from his hand and sip it quickly. You turn, the chiffon of your cream dress swishing around as you search for him again but he’s gone. Your hair is pulled up, the gold mask guarding the top half of your face and your frown. “Looking for someone?” a voice asks over your shoulder and when you turn, there he is. He smiles at you, takes your hand and you leads you to the dance floor wordlessly. He doesn’t say another word the rest of the night but holds you close while leading you around the dance floor. At the end of the night, his fingers reach up and pull the mask from your face before smiling and he disappears with your mask in hand. 

Louis: It was the third themed party your best friend had thrown this month. You had ordered your gem encrusted and white feathered mask just in time and were heading over to her house for the night. As you walk through the door you are absolutely stunned at how amazing everyone looks. Everyone is dressed to the nines, you half expected everyone to break out into a Phantom of the Opera number. Since everyone’s identity was hidden you decided to mingle with anyone you could. As you make your way to the kitchen for a drink you’re a little shocked to see that it was empty. You walk past the drinks that were out on the counter and open the fridge where you know your friend keeps what you like. “You sure you should be in there?” A unfamiliar voice asks you as you back out of the fridge. “I practically live here, so yeah,” you answer trying to figure out who it was you were talking to. You weren’t use to the British accent, and only knew a few other English people, one’s that did not match the body type of the person standing before you. As he walked closer you backed up against the refrigerator door. You gaze into the deep blue eyes that were starring you down and realized you had never seen them before. “Gorgeous,” he says with a smile. “You don’t even know what I look like,” you say as you turn away from his gaze. “I don’t have to,” he says holding his hand out for you to take it. He walks you out of the house and into the empty backyard. You spend the night talking to the mystery guy from the kitchen, asking every question you could think of to try and figure out who he was. He knew what you were trying to do so he made sure not to give anything away that would reveal to you his actual identity. You look back into the house after hours of talking and realize there’s no one inside. You look at your phone to see that it’s half past three in the morning. “Oh my God,” you say staring at the very late time. He laughs at your reaction and stands up, holding out his hand yet again wanting you to take it. You stand up with him as he leads you back into the house and out the front door to your car. “This is me,” you say as he walks you up to the car. “It was very nice talking to you tonight,” he says with a smile and kissing your hand. “You as well,” you say as you curtsey in your dress. He laughs at your gesture opens up your car door. He kisses your cheek before you climb in and shuts the door when you’re ready. He leans into your window, lifting his mask, to give you a wink, before walking away to his car. You’re then left in complete astonishment at who you had just spent the night talking with.    

Zayn: The ballroom was very crowded and you were starting to get overwhelmed with the amount of strangers you had surrounded yourself with. Your friend had been invited to the ball by one of her other friends and had brought you along for the ride. Your bright red, feather covered, mask didn’t stick out like you thought it would amongst all of the other flamboyant ones. This relieved you though because the last thing you wanted to do was stick out in a group of strange people. You make your way over to the bar as your friend scanned the crowd for her friend. You take the only seat left, beside a guy in very nice tux and red mask. You look over at him, biting your lip, because you can tell even though he’s wearing a mask, this guy is attractive. “What are you going to have, love?” He asks reaching for his wallet. Surely he wasn’t going to pay for your drink, he didn’t even know you. “Margarita,” you tell the bartender and he guy in the mask hands him the money to cover it. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that,” you say with a curious smile. He was very intriguing, you weren’t sure if it was the mask that did this to him or what, but you were very impressed. “Did you come by yourself?” He asked with eager eyes. “No, my friend is around here somewhere,” you answer turning around only to realize finding her was now impossible, “but she’s apparently been lost.” He smiles as you made it known your friend was a she. The two of you sit at the bar for hours, drinking, talking, and laughing, still never revealing who you actually were to one another. “You want to get out of here?” He eventually asks as you finish your second margarita. You nod your head and take his hand, as he leads you out of the crowded ballroom. As soon as the ballroom doors close behind the two of you he removes his mask and shakes his head as if to shake away the ridiculousness that was masquerade. You stare at him in amazement as you realize you had just spent the afternoon with Zayn Malik, and it wasn’t over yet.  

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