(5SOS) He Forgets An Important Occasion

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 He Forgets An Important Occasion




Ashton: He left early in the morning to go record with the boys again and you woke up to an empty side of the bed. On your nightstand was a small note from him that said, “Sorry I left early :( I didn’t want to wake you either. I love you xx”. Wait did he forget? You didn’t know if he forgot or he probably had a surprise for you, but he couldn’t have forgotten or could he? You received numerous “happy birthday” texts from your family & friends, but no texts, calls, voicemails, nothing. You were nearly in tears, but you knew you should be happy. You received a text no more than a minute later from your friends to go out shopping and eat for lunch & you gladly accepted. By the time you came home, you saw the birthday cards on the dinner table and he was waiting for you to come home. “I know you’re mad at me for this. I can’t believe I forgot your birthday, but I promise, no scratch that, I swear I’ll make it up to you. I love you so much.” He said engulfing you into a hug. “I’m not mad but thank you though.” You said giving him a small smile. “Your birthday isn’t even over yet, so why don’t we cuddle then I’ll take you out on a proper date tomorrow?” He asked as you yawned, getting tired. “Agreed.”

Calum: You gave him the silent treatment the whole day after he didn’t mention anything about your anniversary. He tried to talk to you, but you kept walking away from him or turning away from him, avoiding him. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked following you to the couch where you sat down. You didn’t reply and ignored him like you have been for the past day. He sighed knowing you won’t say anything to him then left the room to go upstairs and grab his phone. “You know, we’re gonna fight about this sooner or later, so speak up please. You know both of us don’t like to argue with each other.” He said pointing out the truth. Deep in your heart, you agreed with him because you know this would lead to a fight. Seconds later, your phone lights up with a calendar notification that says “one year anniversary with him” and he immediately remembered. “Oh my god, baby I can’t believe I forgot. I just- the album! I had to work on it and I remembered last week, but then this week wasn’t so good for me. You know I didn’t mean to forget our anniversary.” He apologized as tears came running down your face. “Don’t cry, please. I’m sorry. I still love you like the first day we met. We went through a lot in a year and I may not be prepared right now, but I promise you, I will marry you. You will be mine forever.” He said hugging you tightly while you were clinging onto him, knowing you didn’t have to say a word and everything would be alright.

Luke: “This is the fifth time he stood up on our date!” You thought as you changed from your nice clothes to comfy pj’s. “I guess he’s not coming home anytime soon.” You mumbled and there you heard the front door open. “Here,” You said quietly throwing him his pillow and a blanket. “You’re sleeping on the couch.” You mumbled walking back upstairs before slamming the door in front of his face. “What did I do now?” He asked confused. “You tell me first.” You yelled before angrily laying in bed. “You know what, I’m just gonna leave.” He mumbled before walking away, giving up easily. He was never the one to give up that easily or so you thought. You just cried knowing he forgot again and you two haven’t had a date in weeks because of his busy schedule and you were constantly studying for school. He saw the calendar hung up on the wall and saw “date night at 7:30” and he remembered. “Babe!” He called out rushing back upstairs and opening the door to see your back facing him. “I didn’t mean to forget…this is the fifth time, isn’t it? Ugh I’m such a bad boyfriend.” He sighed sitting next to you in bed. “Luke, stop. I don’t wanna deal with this anymore.” You mumbled into your pillow, sniffling. “Baby, I’m really sorry. I’m really stressed & I just want a cuddle. I promise that I’m staying home and I’ll be yours for the whole day tomorrow. No recording sessions, no band practices, nothing. Just you & me, on a date and cuddle at home.” He said hovering over your body. “So what do you say?” He asked slightly pouting his bottom lip. “Fine, you win.” You said sticking your tongue out at him. “Hey!” He giggled pecking your lips. “I missed that.” He said before kissing you again but much longer. “I love you, idiot.”

Michael: “I’m not in the mood to talk, so don’t even think about saying hi.” He said coming through the front door, pissed off. “Okay fine then,” You mumbled looking away from him. He was sure pissed off and you didn’t know why, but you didn’t think he would forget such an important date. “Um, Mikey?” You asked quietly with a sweet tone. “What?” He asked harshly. “Did you- um forget what today was?” You tried asking, not trying to argue with him. “No, now leave me alone Y/N. I need some alone time, babe.” He said making his dinner before you left, completely pissed because he forgot and he was being a dick to you. “Wait a minute…” He said checking his phone calendar and he noticed the date. “Y/N!” He called out stopping everything that he was doing then running upstairs. “What could you possibly want now?” You sniffled, ignoring him. “C’mon baby, you know I didn’t mean to.” He said going on his knees to be eye level with you then taking your hands in his. “I know I was pissed at you, but I didn’t mean to take it out on you. Most importantly, I can’t believe I forgot our anniversary over some stupid recording session.” He mumbled and you ran your fingers through his hair. “It’s not your fault, Michael. Your recording sessions aren’t even stupid.” You said giggling with tears in your eyes. “Hey, there’s that giggle I’ve been waiting for.” He said carrying over to bed. “You forgive me?” He asked pecking your cheek. “Mhm, it’s fine. We can go out some other time.” You shrugged as if it’s nothing. “Oh no, missy. I’m making it up to you because I’ll feel guilty.” He said as his face was only centimeters away from yours. “I’ll make it up to you tomorrow but now,” He sighed. “let’s snuggle & rest.” He continued pressing a sweet, passionate kiss on your lips as you mumbled a ‘mhm’.

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