(1D) First Child

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First Child

Harry: His heart races as she waddles across the floor, her little, chubby legs carrying her towards him. “Careful baby.” He smiles as she teeters slightly. She coos as she gains her balance, stumbling towards him again. His arms reach out as she gains speed, picking up her little feet quicker than her body is used to and crashing forwards into his arms. Harry lifts the little girl with his hair and your eyes into his arms and kisses her cheeks, “Very good baby, wish your mommy was here to see you all grown up.” Tears prick his eyes as her eyes twinkle with the same glint yours had all those years ago, “She loves you baby girl.” He whispers.

Liam: “Liam, he’s coming.” You shake him awake, his head lolling to the side, “Hm?” He mumbles before shooting out of bed and grabbing your bags from the end of the bed, “Well lets go!” He shouts, racing down the stairs towards the car. “Hey Liam, could you possibly help the pregnant lady here?” You mumble, pulling yourself out of the bed and trying to bend to grab your shoes. “Oh sorry beautiful.” He mumbles, picking up your shoes and handing them to you, he helps you down the stairs and into the car, “I can’t believe we’re gonna see our little boy in a few hours.” He beams at you. “If you don’t get going, it will be in a few minutes, in this damn car.”

Louis: “Come on baby, please eat.” You sigh, trying to feed the little girl her dinner. Louis keeps shoveling his food into his mouth, “Here let me try.” He takes the fork from your hand holding it up and smiling softly. “Here comes the airplane,” His lips making airplane noises as he brings the utensil to her pouty lips, “Come on love, eat for mum and dad.” She stares at him with blank eyes as he reaches forward and tickles her side causing her to erupt with laughter, he shoves the fork into her mouth before she can shut it and smiles triumphantly as she chews and swallows. “Shut up.” You grumble, chewing your food and glaring at him from across the table.

Niall: His hands shake as he hands her the keys, “Please be safe.” She nods and giggles at her friends before starting towards the door. “Wear your seat belts! Go the speed limit! Don’t die! Love you!” He shouts at them, as you giggle from the couch. “They’ll be okay babe.” You smile, grabbing his hand and pulling him down onto the couch. “I know, I just worry.” He sighs. “That’s my job.” You smile, kissing his cheek. “I can’t believe how grown up she is,” He watches them back out of the driveway, “Seems like just yesterday she was needed to be carried everywhere.” You giggle at his statement, “She didn’t need to be carried everywhere, you just insisted.”

Zayn: “Do you have your lunchbox?” He sighs, zipping up his backpack and smiling at the little boy that’s a spitting image of him. The little boy nods, lifting the vintage Hulk lunchbox up and giggling. Zayn takes his little hand and leads him towards the stop sign as the bus pulls up. He leans down to kiss the boy on the cheek but he frowns, “No dad, you’re embarrassing me.” Zayn nods, “Okay. Have a good day.” The little boy takes off towards the bus and climbs on. Zayn watches the bus drive down the street and grabs his keys, following it all the way to school and making sure his little boy is safe. His phone rings on the console and he answers it when your face pops up, “He’s going to be okay, come home please.”

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