(1D) You're a Secretary, and he's your Boss' Best Friend

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You're a Secretary, and he's your Boss' Best Friend

Niall: "Hello, can I talk to Mr. Hanes?" You look up at the blonde man staring down at you. "Do you have an appointment sir?" He glares at you, "No, I don’t need an appointment." You smile cheerily because you know it’ll just piss him off more. "You need an appointment Mr. Horan." You get back to typing while he’s sneering at you. "We do this every time sweetheart." You look up at him again, "and every time, I tell you that you need an appointment." He scoffs and stomps away like a toddler which just makes you smile. A few minutes later you get a call from an angry blonde man. "I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Hanes please." You type his name into your computer and smile into the phone. "He’s free right now sir." Niall yells into the phone and hangs up. You can’t help but giggle at how cute his little tantrums are.

Louis: “What do you think of the new secretary Louis?” You’re leaned back in your chair listening to the conversation between your boss and his best friend. “She’s fit, man.” You can hear the cheeky smile spreading across his lips. “Don’t get any ideas Louis. I don’t want to have to fire another secretary because you can’t keep it in your pants.” Your boss speaks up before you hear them stand up and begin to walk out. “Y/N, I need a conference call with mark on floor 4.” You nod and reach for the phone to dial the number and watch Louis pass your desk. He winks and smiles before walking out of the office.

Zayn: "Yeah, well you’re an asshole!" You yell at the man with black hair and beautiful eyes. He steps closer and presses his pointer finger to  your shoulder in a rude way. "You’re just a shrew." Your boss finally comes to stop the argument, "Y/N, quit fraternizing with my mates, and Zayn don’t torture her too much." He rolls his eyes and walks back into his office before slamming the door. As soon as it closes Zayn pulls you close to him by your waist and smirks. "Think he bought it?"

Harry: You start walking to the copy room with the stacks of papers that need to be done in half an hour. You knew that the quicker you got it done, the quicker you could leave and get away from the temptation that is your boss’ best friend. But your plan fails when you walk into the copy room and are greeted by thick brown curls atop a broad caramel body. He grabs your hands and pulls you towards him. You both know that your boss would freak out if he found out that you were dating his best friend. “Harry…” you start, but he cuts you off with a kiss, and as soon as he does the door opens to your boss’ eyes.

Liam: "Payno!" your boss yells as he comes out of his office to greet his friend. "Hey man," his friend passes your desk without paying the slightest bit of attention to you. "You’ve been coming around here a lot Liam. you got nothing better to do?" Your boss lets loose his loud, obnoxious laugh, which causes you to roll your eyes. "I guess you could say that." The truth is, the only reason Liam comes around the office is to see you.

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