(5SOS)He Gets Jealous Of Another Band Mate

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He Gets Jealous Of Another Band Mate      

Ashton:You had been friends with the 5SOS boys before they made it big but only recently did you start to think about one member in a different way. You started to see Ashton in a different way then the other boys but you never thought hed like you in a million years. Little did you know, he felt the same way about you. So when you came with the boys on their west coast part of their American tour it was hard to keep your feelings a secret. Before their Seattle show you were all hanging out in the dressing room. You had left to go to the bathroom but beofre you opened the door you heard the boys say your name. “Y/N is so hot. When did she get that body?” You heard Luke say. You could feel your face getting hot and the blush creep up. “Damn I know, did you see her in the jeans?” Calum said letting out a loud. “Why had i never noticed her? Damn.” Michael exclaimed. You were past freaking out now, why did your best friends think of you this way? But you waited to hear what Ashton had to say. He had no response for awhile. “I need to use the bathroom.” He said, you could hear the anger in his voice. You could hear the door knob start to turn so you panicked and ran backwards but you tripped and fell. Ashton opened right as you took a tumble. “Are you ok?” He said quickly helping you up. You both laughed and Ashton continued to the bathroom. Was he jealous? you thought to yourself.


Michael:You were always best friends with all the 5sos boys but you and Michael had been dating for about 5 months. But on Ashtons birthday you surprised him with a cake after the show. He gve you a big hug and spun you around. “This is why youre my favorite Y/N.” Ashton said as he kissed your cheek. You smiled and glanced at Michael then your smile faded. He was glaring at you with his arms crossed then he left the room. You followed after him as the other boys stuffed their faces with cake. “Michael?” You ask grabbing his arm. “Yes Y/N?” He asks, turning around to face you. “Are you ok?” You ask smiling at him. Still no expression on his face. “You never surprised me with cake on my birthday.” Michael said pouting. You smirked and took his chin and made him look at you. “You know what you got on your birthday that Ashton didnt you?” You asked as you slowly moved your hand down his chest. Suggesting to what Michael recieved on his birthday.


Calum:Calum had kept his feelings for you a secret until tonight. You were at his house with all the other boys and you had all had a bit too much to drink. So you all played truth or dare. You all sit in a circle and decided it was Michaels turn to ask. He looked at all the boys and smirked at Calum. “Calum, truth or dare.” He asked with a smug look. Calum gave Michael a glare. “Uhh… dare.” He replied. “Good… I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room.” Michael said with a wink and a nod. While this was happening you had turned to your right to converse with Lukes friend from the states. As you were about to tell her something your lips were swept away. Calum had gently grabbed your neck and leaned in for a kiss. Before you know what was happening you grabbed  his hair and kissed him back. It turned into more than a peck on the lips. “Ok ok ok. Not what i totally hand in mind.” Michael teased as he pulled Calum off of you. Calum smiled and say beside you, reaching for your hand.


Luke:You reached up to give your boyfriend a kiss before he ran on stage. You joined him on the last half of his American tour. During his time on stage you usually hung out in the dressing room and played on your phone. “Great show lads!” Calum exclaimed as they all walked through the door, all except Luke. “Where’s Luke?” you asked. “He had to run to the bus to grab something, he will be back in a bit.” Ashton answered. You slouched on the couch and sighed, continuing to play to your phone. Calum sat beside you and grabbed your phone. “Hey-” you started to say but were interrupted by Calum tickling your sides. You laughed so hard from pain. “Calum stop” you managed in between laughs, but that just made him want to continue it. As you laughed harder you slouched down now laying on the couch and Calum straddled you, still tickling you. “Im back guys-” Luke said then abruptly stopped. You realized what was going and you pushed heavy Calum off of you. You walked over to Luke and reached for his hand but he quickly moved away and walked back out the door. You looked back at Calum and he just shrugged. You ran after Luke and finally caught up with him. “Hey what was that all about?” You asked, turning him to face you. “I come back to find my best friend on top of my girlfriend? How about, what was that all about?” Luke shouted. You cringed at his loud voice. You cupped his face with both hands, “Babe, we were just laughing. Nothing else.” He turned his head and looked down. “Are you jealous?” You asked. Luke huffed, “No.” You smiled and whispered in his ear, “Good because you’re my one and only.”


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