Luke Imagine

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"Y/N seriously I can set it up by myself," Luke said to you as you tried to help him get ready for his recording session. The boys had sent Luke a head to get everything set up at the studio because he always did it the fastest.

"Oh come on Luke," You said rolling your eyes, "I'll be fine." Ever since you had gotten pregnant Luke had been very worried about you, and now that you just a few weeks away from your delivery date he was even more worried than every. For the past few weeks you could barely walk around the house with out him keeping his eyes on you to make sure you didn't get into trouble.

"Fine," Luke gave in, "But don't lift anything to heavy, I don't want to see anything bad happen to the most beautiful girl in the world or our beautiful soon-to-be daughter." He kissed your fore head and you couldn't help but smile. As annoying as his worrying could be, it was really sweet.

You both got to work setting up stools and instruments in front of the microphones. Luke kept his eyes on you the whole time, especially as you tried to carry pieces of Ash's drum kit into the booth.

"I got this Y/N," Luke said taking the piece of the drum and setting it up with the rest. You watched on as he concentrated on the drum kit, making sure every pice would put together perfectly. You smiled to yourself, you had always thought he looked extremely cute when he was working on something.

Suddenly you felt a stab of pain in you lower stomach, causing you to let out a cry of pain.

Luke's head shot up, a concerned look plastered on his face. "Are you okay?" Luke asked making his way over to you.

"Yeah I'm fine it just-" you began before being cut off by another stab of pain that was more intense. "Ow!" you cried. Then suddenly you felt a wetness and you realized your water had just broken. "Shit," you said.

"What? What's wrong?" Luke asked, extremely worried.

"Luke my water broke. I'm going into labor," you explained as calmly as possible. His eyes widened as he processed what you said.

"I thought you weren't due for weeks," he replied nervously.

"Well obviously not," you replied before another sharp pain caused you to cry out again.

"Okay, okay come on let's get you to the hospital," Luke said as he raced over to the studio booth door. He jiggled the knob but the door wouldn't open. "No," he breathed.

"What?" you asked knowing what ever it is he had to tell me wasn't good.

"We're locked in!" He exclaimed. "Shit this isn't good." He began to pace nervously about the booth. Then, as if our prayers had been answered the boys walked through the door. They immediately knew something was wrong so they turned on the microphone so that they could hear us in the booth.

"Guys! Y/N went into labor and we are locked in! You have to find the key quick!" Luke exclaimed. The boys went off frantically searching for the allusive key. Luke came over to you and began to rub your back. You cried out in pain again and Luke took your hand in his. "Hey, Y/N, just breath okay? I know you are in a lot of pain but you'll be okay. We'll be out of here in no time and then we will have our beautiful baby girl," Luke cooed. You smiled and leaned your head against his strong shoulder and tried to just focus on your breathing.

As the minutes ticked by the pain came and went and after what seemed like an eternity Michael ran up to the booth window, key in hand. We gave him an excited thumbs up and then he raced over and unlocked the door.

"Ash and Cal are getting the car," Michael informed us. Luke helped me out the door and outside where the car was waiting for us. Ash drove as fast he possibly could to hospital while Luke held your hand and whispered soothing things into your ear.

Finally you arrived and you were taken to the maternity ward where you gave birth to your's and Luke's beautiful baby girl.

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