Niall Superhero AU

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Flashing lights and beating drums playing along to the strumming of the guitar. This is what you lived for. Music festivals were so your thing, the minute you knew of a new one, you scheduled your life around them. Currently, you were in Vegas for the IHeartRadio Music Festival, one of your particular favorites. Your favorite artists like Ke$ha, Katy Perry, and not to mention Bruno Mars were all performing. This time your friend had decided to come with you, wanted to enjoy the getaway and travel time. “This is amazing!” She exclaimed as you handed her a drink, alcoholic of course. Who didn’t come to one of these things and not drink? That was one of your most favorite parts of these music festivals too. “I know! I’m loving it!” You yelled back over the music. “Hey, I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back. Don’t move! Hah, I don’t want to get lost!” You said, loud enough so she could understand you. She just nodded, bobbing her head along with the song that was blaring. “Bathroom, bathroom” You muttered to yourself, in search of a portajohn or building or even a tree where you could pee. “Well look at this little number. Woo!” A man exclaimed as you walked past a group of guys, not  one of them being your taste. You just scoffed and ignored them the best you can. “Hey little darlin’, if your lost, why don’t ya just stay with me the rest of the night?” The same man said, following behind you. “Ew. No way. Creep.” You said, turning your body so he could see your stern face and hopefully get the message. “Awe, honey don’t pout.” He chuckled, darkly, you could see a glint of devil in his eyes. He tried reaching for your arm, grasping at it to pull you with him. By now you had walked past a few tents leaving you to a part of the festival where there were barely any people. “Seriously let go of me you creep!” You yelled, only earning yet another chuckle to escape the mans mouth. You stood squirming trying to retract from his grasp. “Your not going anywhere.” He began pulling you toward him. This is it, you though, I’m going to get raped then he’ll probably kill me. “Let go of me!” You yelled again as he gripped both of your arms now, squeezing hard being sure to leave bruises. “What the hell do you think your doing?” You heard a voice say, making both the man’s head and yours whip around. There stood another man, one looking furious, with a stick in his hands. Great, another rapist, you though again to yourself. ”Get off of her.” The new stranger said with a clenched jaw and matching fists. “Mind your own business bud.” Your abductor said still gripping one hand on your arm. ”I can’t do that. Now let the pretty girl go and I won’t have to hurt you.” The man in front of you only laughed, letting go of your arm finally. “Really? What is a scrawny little guy like you gonna do?” You noticed now that the man about to take you was much larger than the one who was saving you. That didn’t stop him, however, the man with the stick lunged forward, maneuvering in ways you’ve never seen before. He used his stick to catapult himself toward the abductor, hitting him with his feet. “What the…” You whispered watching as the much larger one hit the ground finally with cuts and bruises on his face, clearly knocked out. “Are you some sort of ninja?!” Your first thought came blurting out. The man with the stick laughed so loudly it made you crack a smile yourself. You watched as he clicked the top of his stick, forcing it to retract into a much smaller one. The guy reached into his jacket, putting the now much smaller stick away. “You could say that..” He wink at you, “Are you alright Miss? That creep didn’t hurt you did he?” “No, he almost did, but you save my life! How did you even know I was out here?” You said referencing the fact you were far away from anybody, it shocked you even he heard you. “I heard ya screamin’. Wanted to know what was goin on. I came out here and saw ya.” He reasoned, as you nodded your head in understanding. “Well thank you. If you wouldn’t have come out here and pulled out those ninja moves I’d probably be dead lying in the dirt over there.” You said sincerely looking at him through your lashes. A slight blush crept on your cheeks as he smirked, “You’re welcome. Glad I could help. Wanna go head back to the party?” He chuckled pointing back to where the music was still carrying through. “Yeah, I probably should. My friends probably wondering where the hell I am.” You joined him on the way back, walked next to him. As you walked you noticed how actually gorgeous this guy was, with his baby blue eyes, sparkling in different ways from the way the stage lights lit up. He noticed you starting at him and laughed softly to himself. You blushed, returning your gaze to your feet as you walked. “What’s you name?” He asked, striking converstation. “What’s yours?” You flirted back. “Ah, I asked you first!” He laughed. “Y/N, ha-ha, and yours?” “Niall.” He stated simply. “So, Niall, where’d you learn those moves?” “Let’s just say I’ve had special training.” “Oh, well that sounds interesting.” You giggled, peering over a group of people for your friend. “Meeting someone?” “More like making sure they’re still alive.” You smiled at him, “Ah! There she is! Well Niall-” “Hold on, Hello?” He said answering his phone, “Alright, I’m coming.” He hung up and gave you a small smile. “Sorry Y/N, I gotta go. Duty calls.” “Oh, okay. Um, thanks again you’re my hero!” You said giving him a tight hug. “Pssh, just doin my job, s’all.” He smiked at you. “Well I hope to see you around?” You asked not sure what he meant by ‘job’. “You sure will!” He yelled back at you as he ran off. A big black hummer pulled up, stopping to let him in, then quickly pulling away. “Hey!” Your friend caught you attention, “Where have you been? Did you get lost or something?” She laughed. “Just couldn’t find an open bathroom is all.” “Who were you talking to?” “Oh, just someone I met on the way back.” “Well he was so cute!” She responded making you laugh to yourself. “I know. C’mon let’s go have fun!” You exclaimed taking her hand and walking into the big crowd of people. Your mind couldn’t help but wonder about Niall, and what type of ‘job’ he was talking about…

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