(1D) Late Night Talks

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Late Night Talks

Liam- "What if-I'm not saying we are-but what if we break up. What happens to us then?" He whispers into your hair holding you tight in his warm arms as if it were a possibility. His chest touches your back and his arm lies loosely around your waist. You think about it for a moment and you really start questioning yourself. He's right. What if one day you do break up? What are you going to do next? He nudges his shoulder to yours and you know he's eager to hear your answer. "Well," you start unaware on how to put it, "I can always go back to the US. Catch up with some old friends. One thing is for sure though. No matter the reason for our break-up, I will still love you." The room then goes silent for short seconds before you hear him clear his throat. "Yeah, me, too." He finishes prepping kisses onto your back of your neck.

Zayn- He sits at the end of your bed as you kneel in front of him cleaning up the blood and treating his black eye. "Thank you," you break the ice. Yes, you were still mad at him for trying to solve things with violence, but he was Zayn. The guy who loved you more than he loved himself. He wasn't going to tolerate anyone from hurting you. "You don't have to thank me. Just think of it as a returned favor," he winces as you press down on the bruise skin. "What do you mean?" You ask confused of where he was trying to get. "I mean, for putting up with me. Not just today but every day. I understand if you're upset. I just want you to know that I do this because I love you." He finishes and you can't help but smile and lean in to plant a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Ouch," he whined.

Niall- Two in the morning and the dizzy and fuzziness you feel in your head only add more the giggles you an Niall exchanged. "Why are we still awake?" He speaks through the other line of the phone. "I don't know, but I swear that if I wake up exhausted, it's your entire fault. My mom is going to get so mad," you reply. There's immediate silence and the only thing you can hear is his and your breathing. "I still can't believe I'm marrying you tomorrow. Like just yesterday was the first day we met. Remember that day? You were wearing that blue dress and you looked so beautiful in it. Does talking to you right now count as bad luck because if it is I will hang up right now!" He says loudly giggling. "I don't know, but I don't care. All I want to do is hear your voice. I love you." "I love you, too."

Harry- You lay on the couch opposite sides of each other just staring up at the ceiling. "That looks like a dog in a tutu," Harry points to the white space above you. "What are you talking about, Harry?" You gently kick him with your feet. "Oh and that one looks like it says '[y/n] should go out with Harry'," he speaks. You sit up rolling your eyes and bring your knees up to your chest, "I already told you that's not happening," you remind him. "But why?! What does it take for me to prove to you that I can be that guy? The one you'll fall in love with and marry and have babies and please just tell me why?" He rambled on sitting up from the couch. "We've been friends for a while and I don't want to risk that friendship, Harry." "That's the point. We've known each other long enough. Really, it's like we're already dating. You always hear it from other people. Now tell me why we can't make this official?"

Louis- "You think they're asleep?" You whisper trying to listen for any sound coming out from the baby monitor sitting on the nighstand. Louis lets out a sigh burying his body deeper in the bed wrapping his arms around you. His arms reaches across you to turn off the switch to the lamp "Thank God. I don't hear anything. Who knew having kids would be so hard? And two at the same time?" You nod in agreement shutting your restless eyes, "My mom was right. But nothing brings me more joy knowing that I have you and a family. I wouldn't trade this for anything. Even with the diaper changing, tantrums, and un-matching outfits you dress them in...I love it. I love you," He expresses only to find you have already fell into a deep slumber.

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