(5SOS) Southern Girl

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Southern Girl

Calum: “Now, guys. Don’t make fun of her, okay?” Calum told the rest of the band as they walked into the airport. “Come on, Calum… What are we gonna say?” Michael asked innocently. “Ummmmm….. I don’t know but the “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see” will not fly.” Calum said. “What? You heard that?!” Luke asked, shocked. “Yeah, I wasn’t all the way asleep yet.” Calum said, rolling his eyes. “Calum?!” you shouted. Calum turned around, and a massive grin formed on his face. “y/n!” Calum shouted as you ran up to him. You jumped in his arms as he spun you around. “Goshdawg! I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you!” you exclaimed. You pulled away and saw the other guys, “And ya’ll too!” you said as you hugged Luke, Ashton, and Michael. The guys were holding back their giggles as Calum glared at them. “What?” You asked. “They wanna comment on your accent” Calum told you, rolling his eyes at the guys. “Well, as long as I get to make fun of theirs!” you shot back at them, smiling.

Ashton: “Y/n, y/n talk some more!” Calum insisted. You and all the guys were sitting in Ashton’s living room just hanging out. You had come to see your boyfriend, Ashton for your winter break. “I don’t know why you find my accent so amusing?” You muttered, your southern accent showing. “Babe, your accent is cute,” Ashton whispered in your ear. You started blushing. “Awwwwwwwww, southern girl is blushing!” Michael gushed which made you hide your face into Ashton’s chest as he roared with laughter. “Ya’ll better shut up before I knock your heads together.”

Luke: “Hey, baby” Luke said through your computer. “Hey” you smiled. You and Luke have been having a long distance relationship, considering you live in Georgia and he’s in Australia. “How’s the weather over there right now?” he asked. “It’s a bugger. It’s been raining all day. Ya’ll need to come over here so we can cuddle” you told him. He blushed, “I’d love to but-” Luke was cut off as Ashton burst into the room. “Luke do you want to get some food with us? - Oh, never mind, you’re talking to Mary-sue.” Ashton smirked. Mary-sue was a nickname the guys gave you, just to tease you on you being southern. “Ashton, ya’ll better shut your pie-hole before I punch you through this computer” You warned. Ashton just laughed and walked out. “Sorry for him. But hey, I gotta go. I’m actually quite starved.” Luke told you. “It’s fine, hon. I’ll talk to you later.” You told him, smiling. “I love you.” He beamed. You blew him a kiss, “I love you too, sugarpop.”

Michael: “Can I get a double cheeseburger meal with a tea?” you asked the cashier at McDonalds. “Your order will be up in a second.” The guy told you and you stepped back to let other people in line order. “Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but admire your amazing accent.” You heard a familiar Australian voice say. You turned around to see none other than Michael Clifford standing in front of you. Your eyes grew wide. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe that you’re here, talking to me!” You said. He just chuckled. “Why don’t I order and we can go and sit down and I can hear some more of your accent.” He suggested. You nodded your head. Just then a question came into your mind. “Why ya’ll in Alabama?” You asked. “Well, we have a break for the next few days and we decided to spend it here and I’m glad we decided that.” He said, smirking at you. You blushed and looked down at your feet. You guys ended up getting your food and going and sitting down and chatted it up. As you guys were getting up to leave he said, “Well, y/n, I hope I’ll get to see you again.” You felt his hand slip into your shorts pocket and he winked at you and left. You took out a piece of napkin that was in your pocket and saw that it had his phone number on it. You ended up calling him that night and made plans.

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