(5SOS) First Kiss (Younger/Childhood)

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First Kiss (Younger/Childhood)

Ashton: ”Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” your friends squealed. A deep blush was formed on your cheeks as Ashton leaned in. His lips met yours in a quick peck and quickly pulled away. Your friends laughed their lungs out as the two of you sat in the middle too embarrassed to even do anything but look down and hope it all would end soon.

Michael: ”Have you had your first kiss yet?” Michael said during the movie. You shook your head, too embarrassed to look away from the film. ”Me neither.” he sighed. The film continued and you didn’t speak a word. You were 13 years old, not very young but still not very old. You had this constant desire to kiss someone whenever you saw a kissing scene, whether it was in front of you or in a movie didn’t matter. So when the characters in the film kissed each other you wouldn’t dare look at Michael. ”Can I kiss you?” he said suddenly. You nodded, but kept your focus on the tv. ”Like, right now.” he said as he shuffled closer to you on the couch. Again, you nodded. And when you turned your head, your lips met Michaels in a cute kiss.

Calum: ”I like you.” he said. You blushed. ”I like you too.” you forced yourself to say. You were surprised when he leaned in, not really knowing what to do you just went with the flow. You’d seen lots of movies with kissing scenes, that’s enough, right? The kiss lasted almost five seconds before the front door opened, revealing Calum’s mum. ”Sorry to interrupt kids, but would you mind helping me get the table ready?”

Luke: ”Don’t worry, super Luke is here to save y’all.” Luke shouted as he jumped out from behind a tree. You laughed, sitting down in the park enjoying the sun. ”Stand up, young lady, and let super Luke save you.” he said. Again you laughed, but obeyed and stood up. The ridiculous game continued for a few minutes before a ball came flying your way from a couple of guys playing football not far from you. Luke threw himself towards you grabbing you and pulling you to the ground, saving you from being hit by the ball. “Super Luke is always here to save you.” he smirked before colliding the two of your lips together.

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