(5SOS) Cute Couple Moment

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Cute Couple Moment

Ashton: You walk into your apartment that you share with your boyfriend, Ashton, after a long day at work and the first thing you see is him sitting on the couch pouting at an empty glass. "Hey babe, why are you pouting at that glass?" You ask as you come to stand next to him. He doesn't even glance at you, keeping his full focus on the cup, "Because I'm hoping if I focus and pout enough that it will magically refill with chocolate milk." You roll your eyes at him and put your hand on your hip, trying to hide the smile that's gracing your face. "Why can't you just get up and get the milk yourself?" You ask. He finally diverts his attention to you and shrugs his shoulders, "because I'm lazy and the kitchen is too far." You let out a soft chuckle as sit on his lap. "Maybe if you give me a hello kiss I'll get you your chocolate milk," you say softly as you look at him. A smile graces his face at your words, "you are simply the greatest! I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you!" "Probably still pouting at that glass," you say with a smile. He laughs and shakes his head before leaning in and planting his lips on yours.

Luke: "So how many penguin species are there?" You ask your boyfriend, Luke, as you two drive to the zoo. He was determined on going to see the penguins. You decided to go ahead and go just because it made him happy. "I'm not really sure actually. Some say 20 and some say 100. It varies," he answers with a shrug, his eyes not leaving the road. You bring your hand up to your mouth and let out an over dramatic gasp, "Luke Hemmings doesn't know a fact about penguins! Somebody pinch me I must be dreaming!" Luke glances at you, a look of non-amusement on his face. "Haha, so funny. Just because I like penguins doesn't mean I know everything about them," he says with a slight eye roll, "besides, I'm not you. I don't spend all day stalking the things that I like." Your eyes narrow in false anger. "Ever since you found my old twitter account you find any way of bringing it up. You're just mad because of all the things I said about Harry on it," you say with a smirk. Luke's hands grip the steering wheel tighter than usual, "you swore to never bring that up again." You cross your arms over your chest and raise an eyebrow, "I won't bring it up if you don't bring it up." Luke glances at you then back at the road then back at you. "Fine," he finally says with a sigh. A smile graces your lips and you lean over to peck his cheek. "Love you, babe," you say softly as you sit back in your seat. He smiles and glances at you again, "love you too." With that he grabs your hand in his and two if you listen softly to the music on the radio. That was until you decided that you were going to open your mouth again, "I still can't believe you don't know how many penguin species there are."

Calum: Your sitting on your bed playing a game on your phone when you hear your boyfriend, Calum, shout from the living room. "Hey babe, have you seen my red beanie anywhere?" "Nope!" You reply, popping the 'p' sound at the end. "Are you sure? I swear I just pulled it out," he says, his voice getting nearer. "Absolutely positive," you reply, not really focused on what he's saying but more on the game your playing. "Are you sure that your sure?" He asks, his voice having a playful tone. You nod your head yes and since he's now made it to the bedroom he sees it. "Babe, it's on your head," Calum states, the smirk on his face evident in his voice. You look up from your phone to see him leaning against the doorway, "Well I can't exactly see it if it's on my head now can I?" His eyes narrow in fake annoyance as he walks over to you. He stands right in front of you as he speaks, "Smart ass." A smirk appears on your lips, "You love it." "Correction," he speaks lowly, "I love you." With that he lowers his head and plants his lips on yours.

Michael: "No no no no no!" Your boyfriend, Michael, shouts as you crash into yet another wall in MarioKart. You were playing against Luke and before you started playing Michael talked all this crap about you being the best in the game. You know, since he taught you everything you know. "I'm not good at this!" You shout in frustration. "Obviously," Luke chuckles, his eyes on the screen. You glare at him before turning it on Michael. "You are a sucky teacher!" You exclaim, throwing the controller down to the floor. "It's not my fault you can't learn how to drive a fucking MarioKart!" He exclaims back. "Well, maybe if I had a good teacher I would learn!" You fire back. "Maybe if I had a good student I could actually teach!" He retorts. Luke is full on laughing at the two of you now. You both turn to glare at him. "What the hell is so funny?" Michael sneers. Luke shrugs his shoulders, "Nothing. Just that we all know that when you guys are 'playing MarioKart' you guys are really just making out. No learning or teaching is actually going on." A sudden redness comes to your cheeks as Luke speaks. It's true. Whenever Michael says he's going to "teach" you you guys usually end up making out. If not more. "Shut up and get out," Michael orders to luke. "What? Why?" Luke asks. "To put it bluntly, I want to make out with my girlfriend," Michael says, pushing Luke out the door. You giggle at the disgusted look on Luke's face before going completely serious when Michael comes back to you. "I wasn't kidding. I want to make out with you," Michael says softly, his hand resting on your thigh. "Well what are you waiting for?" You reply softly leaning in, your lips meeting shortly after. "You really do suck at MarioKart," Michael mumbles his lips still on yours. You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck, "Just shut up and kiss me."

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