(1D) Your/His Family Meets the Baby

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Your/His Family Meets the Baby

The nurse had cleaned your baby girl and put a blanket around her and handed her to you. You were a bit exhausted yet but strong enough to carry her. Harry was next to you observing the both of you. "She's... She's gorgeous" he said. "Harry, she has your eyes" you said smiling at him. His family came inside in that moment. "Do you want to hold her?" you asked him "Yeah" and you handed her to Harry carefully. His mum and sister watched the baby smiling "She's so tinny and innocent" he said "Yeah, [Y/N], she has your hair and your nose" replied Gemma "Is she?" You said and they nodded "Babe, have some rest, you must be tired" he kissed your head and you went to sleep.

Louis: You woke up and saw everyone staring at you and Louis who was holding one of your babies. "She's awake!" "Hi love" said Louis kissing your lips "How are you feeling?" "I'm a bit sleepy but I'm fine" you said with raspy voice. "My sisters are just so happy" "Yes, we are" "Look at them" said Louis handing me Leo as he was carrying Alice "Both have your eyes, [Y/N] and my hair" "Yeah, they're beautiful Louis" you said smiling "Like their mum" he said as he winked at you.

Liam: After the baby was born you couldn't keep your eyes closed because you were super tired so you feel asleep immediately. When you woke up. Your family and his family were in the room while Liam was holding your baby boy. "Hey, love, how are you?" "I'm good now, I was so tired" you said "I know, you collapsed when Benji was born. Do you want to hold him?" you nodded and you felt Benjamin in your arms for the first time. A new feeling was inside you now and tears of joy streamed down your face. "Babe, are you crying?" you nodded as he wiped away the tears "I love you, [Y/N]" "I love you too Liam.

Zayn: After giving birth to your little Thalia the doctor handed her to the two of you. Zayn was kneeled next to you as he was contemplating the perfect picture. "Welcome to the family little Malik" he said as he kissed your arm. "Look at her Zayn, she's gorgeous" "I know, just because you are" "Oh, and you're not gorgeous?" "No, I'm not as gorgeous as you" "Please, Zayn" I said giggling. You heard a knock on the door and his family entered the room followed by your parents. "Awww, look at her, she's so tiny!" "She's beautiful guys, good job" "Zayn, do you want to hold her?" you asked him "I don't know, I have the feeling I'm going to broke her or something" "Zayn, you won't just be careful with her head" "Ok" you carefully handed her to him and he smiled "This is too much" he said "This is the best feeling ever"

Niall: You were with your eyes closed. Laid on bed. You couldn't open them yet although you were awake. You could hear someone talking. "I don't want her to die, princess, she's been my princess number one and I love her so much. I'm praying everyday but she doesn't move. But you're like her, you're like a copy of her although you have my deep blue eyes" You moved your hand as you were trying to open your eyes "Ni-Ni-Niall..." you said weakly. "[Y/N]?" you moved your hand and your eyes opened now. He went to the door and shouted "She's awake!" He came towards you with your baby girl in his arms as he watched you. "Oh my God, I thought I lost you babe. How are you? No, don't talk, it'll be better for you" he said and tears were down his face. He placed soft kiss on your cheek "I love you, so so much" "How long I've been asleep" "Two days, two long days, but be quiet babe, have some rest if you need it" Suddenly your family and his family walked in the room. They all came to ask you how you were and that they were very worried about you but they were happy to know that you were fine. Also they said to you that your baby girl was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen and that they were very proud of you and Niall. "He has been with Callie every time, he hasn't let anyone touch her" said his mum "It's because she's so fragile and I didn't want to lose another part of me but fortunately I haven't lost any of them" he said smiling.

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