Harry Superhero AU

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  "Treasure that is what you are" Bruno Mar’s played through your head phones as you walked down the street. It was a beautiful evening so you decided to take a walk. You were knew to the area, having just moved for job reasons. The city was lighting up. Everywhere you would go there would be beautiful lights along the buildings and street lights illuminating the streets in the perfect way. There was a small park located across the street of where you currently stood. Looking both ways, you crossed the street and made your way through the park seeing all the smiling faces of all the children as they ran across the playground. Whilst doing so you paused the music, wanting to save your battery for the walk home. The sun was setting so beautifully, you watching intently while sitting on a bench nearest the street. You felt someone sit on the bench next to you and when you looked to see who it was, you were shocked to see a man looking so strung out and weak. He gave you a look with wide eyes, you could almost see the sweat forming on his forehead. “Um, can I help you?” You asked. He leant in to his jacket that looked very worn and tore up. He lifted the side of the jacket revealing a small beeping device with a ticking digital clock shining. “Wha-what is that?” You gulped nervously. Looking back down, you saw wires connected to the device. “Is-is that a bomb?” Asking with shaking hands, you looked back up at the man seeing a devious smile grow on his face. “You see all those kids over there?” The man pointed toward the smiling kids prancing around the swing, you also noticed their parents sat on the benches behind and nodded at the strange man. “I’m gonna blow them up.” He stated so simply making your hands grasp your face. You then reached in your pocket to take out your phone, but his dingy hand stopping you. “No, no, no,” he wagged a finger at you then grabbed your phone tossing it behind him. “Hey!” You exclaimed. “Draw anymore attention over here and I’ll press this little button blowing you up instead.” “Bu-but why are you doing this? What have they ever done to you?” You asked, voice lowered to try and save yourself. “You don’t understand! Nobody does!” He put his head in his hands and began muffling his screams while also pulling at his already raggedy hair. “But someone can help-” “NO!” He screamed, making heads begin to turn towards him. He looked up, grinning devilishly yet again. The man then got up and began walking over to the play ground. “Wait! No, don’t do it!” You yelled getting up to chase him, but another figure landed in front of him, his fist punching the ground as he landed kneeling down. The concrete under his fists cracking. The red suit he was wearing signifying his large toned muscles as they flexed from him releasing his fist and standing up. The sun head set perfectly to emasculate the man’s face, illuminating his curly mop-head of hair on his head. “Do you really think I’m going to let you hurt all of those innocent people?’ He spoke menacingly, but something hinted off that his normal nature was kind and caring, why else would he have tried to stop the man. “What do you think you can do fancy pants? I have bombs set up all around here, there’s no way you’ll be able to save everyone.” The culprit spat, the man only smirked in response. You just stayed back and watching, your hands covering your mouth in shock not knowing what else to do. The suicide bomber took a step toward the man but was no sooner thrown backwards by the same fist that hit the concrete ground. By now, everyone in the park was watching in horror, mothers grabbing their children and scurrying off to someplace safe. “How did you do that? To the concrete? And then you-” “No time to talk, move over.” “Excuse me?” “ I said move over, I need the bench.” “You need the bench? How on earth-Oh..” The man in the suit walked past you ignoring your questions ripping the iron arm off the chair, you watched in disbelief as he went over the bomber, flipped him over and tied the par around his arms, in a make-shift handcuff. ”Told ya,” the savior said chuckling and ripping out the home made bomb from the mans coat, crushing it easily to pieces. “Do you have a phone?” You could only nod in response, quickly pacing over to where the man had thrown your phone. “It’s somewhere over here.” You said kneeling on the grass patch behind where you sat. “There it is.” The man in the suit said, appearing next to you out of no where. As you picked it up, the man began speaking again, “I need you to call the police, direct them here. But don’t tell them about me. Leave all of that out.” “Seriously? You don’t think they’re going to ask how that guy has the arm of the bench tying his hands together?!” “I understand that, but you have to promise me. I know that other people saw, but I can’t come out to the public yet. They say I’m not ready.” He said sincerely, as he looked at you, it was like he was staring into your soul. You suddenly became speechless as his green orbs met yours. Him turning around and walking away from you made you break away from the stare. “Wait!” You said, twisting him back around by his arm, ”what can’t you come out to the public about? Who won’t let you?” “Look, I’d love to tell you but I can’t. They’re going to be pissed I’m even here talking to you know. In and out they said.” “Who said? Are you in trouble?” Your question made the curly haired man chuckle, a prominent dimple appearing in his cheek. “More like saving people from it.” He said sighing at the end. “Meet me back here in the park at 10 and I’ll explain, alright?” “Uh, alright. Can I at least know your name?” You asked as he turned to walk away again. He peered over his shoulder, showing a smirk wide on his face quickly replying, “Harry,” then walking off toward the edge of the park that meant the wood. What have you just gotten yourself into…       

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