Luke Imagine

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Vampire Luke Imagine

You stood there, the material of the dress being a bother to you. You simply leaned against the stone railing, looking down at the water that was lit with the moonlight.
"What're you looking at?" His voice called and you turned, his blue eyes meeting yours. You felt yourself weaken slightly, he knew he had that affect on you, on everyone for that matter. But on you it was different, for you were his and you knew he dominated you.

You turned back to the water as you heard the slight tap of his riding boots against the tiled patio. "The moon." You felt his presence behind you, especially when his strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his chest. He moved your tightly curled hair to the side and began to softly kiss your neck.

"Why does the moon always seem to captivate you?" He asked as he turned your chin so your eyes met.

"The light reminds me of your eyes," you say a tiny bit louder than a whisper. "How it's so pale and yet can keep me interested."

He turned your smaller body in his hands, leaning you against the rail. "So I'm interesting to you?" He smiled, and you saw his fangs press into his bottom lip. "Because my love you are very interesting to me."

"Luke," you said as he began kissing your neck again. You knew what he was doing. He was preparing you so that when he began to bite your neck it wouldn't hurt you as much. He was always so gentle when it came to feeding off you. Still, there was pain, and a slight memory loss where you remembered him getting you ready, just not how you would end up in bed the next morning.

"Are you ready my love?" He licked his teeth, causing his fangs to lower and set half way over his bottom lip.

"Luke, do you actually love me? You aren't just using me are you?" You pressed against his chest and stood up.

"I...I would never use you in such a way. You know I love you Y/N, that's how we express it. It means we've found our life partner, making us a pair" You had walked over to another part of the balcony and were staring at the people below you enjoy their Saturday night.

"I don't want to be used Luke." As you went to turn your head, he already had you, one arm locked around your waist, the other covering your mouth as screams of pain were wretched from your body. His sharp teeth were pulling blood out of you at a rapid pace, and you quickly fell weak in his arms.

He lowered the two of you, his teeth still in your neck, onto the floor so you wouldn't get more dizzy then you already were. Your head rolled back onto his shoulder and you let out a gasp, like when a fish is out of water and needs to get back.

"I told you I would change you," he said cradling your head in one hand as it fell off his shoulder. "You only have to wait one more month, till you're seventeen. Then it'll happen." He shifted your body so it was laying mostly on him, your head resting in the crook of his arm as his hand still held your face. He began brushing your curls to the side, revealing your eyes that were staring directly at him.

"You promise you love me? Forever?" You reached your hand up and placed it behind his neck bringing him slightly closer to you.

"Until time runs out," he said pressing his slightly bloody lips to your dry ones, making you stop breathing for a mere second. In that moment, you knew he was right when he said you were his life partner. "I love you so much Y/N. With all my heart."

"I love you too Luke. As much as I can love."

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