(1D) He's Not Exactly Human AU (2/5)

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He’s Not Exactly Human AU (2/5)

Finding Out 

Harry(Vampire)- It’s past midnight as you make your way back home, work was brutal. The roads are all cleared as you drove back. From a distance you see a man walking shirtless; he resembles your ex-boyfriend from the back. Your curiosity makes you drive closer and your eyes go wide. “Harry!” You yelled hitting the breaks. His eyes look at you confused, is that his name? The smell of your blood hits him and he feels his mouth water. Within seconds he’s trying to reach into your car trying to get close to your neck. He laughs as he sees the car speed up; he wonders if you think you can get away from him. The tires screech as his body is now in front of the car and soon he’s next to the driver side. He watches as you scramble out the door, he’s amused by you. Your body slams against his and you question everything you know because there’s no way he ran that quickly. “What are you doing Harry?” You scream as you back away from him.  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m trying to get you.” He takes a step closer and his fangs come out. Panic hits you and its instinct; you land a punch right on his nose. “Why’d you do that for?” If it were anywhere else you would have laughed as he grabbed on to his nose. “You! What are you trying to do to me?” He stands up straight again, letting his nose heal. He’s confused as much as you are. He points at his fangs. “Vampire, blood, yours.” He tries to explain to you. He hears your heart jump but go back to normal. “Really Harry? A vampire? This isn’t funny -” “I know what I am; I don’t know who I am.” His statement leaves you stunned, not knowing what to do.

Liam(Shape-Shifter)- He parks his car excitedly, already catching your scent. It’s been over two weeks since he’s seen you. He got your phone call as soon as you were home; you told him you had a surprise. His mind drifts to one thing and it involves both of you with no clothes. “Li-” He cuts you off as soon as you open the door trying to get as much of you with one kiss. He normally would pick you up and take you to the bedroom but you resist pulling away. He tries hard not to pout as you lead him into the living room making him close his eyes. A strange scent hits him and he’s not pleased. “Look!” He opens his eye, staring into eyes that aren’t yours. They belong to a puppy, a male puppy and he (the puppy) begins growling at him. “His name is Thor, isn’t he the cutest little thing ever.” He feels jealousy start to build inside him as you focus all your attention on that mutt. “Why’d you get a dog for?” He tries to maintain his anger from his tone. “My parents, they thought he would be perfect for me.” He rolls his eyes as he watches you carefully place Thor on the floor. He gently tugs at your arm as he pulls you on top of him. He kisses you softly but they begin to get deeper as he flips you beneath him.  As soon as the growling and barking starts he tries his hardest to keep your attention on him. He knows it’s no use as he feels your hands trying to push him off. It’s pathetic getting jealous of a puppy, but Thor knows what he’s doing; he’s trying to claim you as his. Liam is going to blame it on the fact he hasn’t had you in over two weeks, it’s the reason he’s getting angry. The only person you belong to is him not some puppy. He feels himself slowly losing control and runs out the back, everything happens so quick. He looks behind him to look at you, your eyes showing confusion. Thor starts barking again and Liam needs to leave before he shows him who the true alpha is.


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